Paintings, a coal bucket, a vintage street sign and perfumes; these are just some of the weird and wonderful things that will make their way onto a new auction site.

Sussex Police have last week opened a shop on online auction site Ebay to sell off property, which would otherwise have to be thrown away.
This is not the first time the force has sold items on an auction site, having previously sold through another site since the early 2000s, but this is the first time an Ebay store has been opened. The shop, Sussex Police Property Disposals, is being run from John Street police station in Brighton but items will be sold from across Sussex.
Property Team Leader Natalie Tipler said: “The majority of the items that we will be selling are lost or seized property, some of which has been in our store for years.
“We are selling some really unusual items like paintings, Victorian brass door knobs and we have a vintage brass coal scuttle which are due to be listed over the next few days.
“We’ve also sold a street sign, boot scraper and garden ornament, it’s amazing what people want to buy and what is one person’s junk is another person’s treasure.
“We have crates of brand new clothes, perfumes, books and toiletries which we will put onto the site over the coming months. There are some things, of course, we can’t sell like tobacco and alcohol.
“We do make sure that everything we sell is genuine and not counterfeit, like designer clothes, watches and perfume. Bikes will also be listed over the next few months.
“All the money made goes back in the Police Property Act Fund which goes towards helping communities in Sussex and with a percentage coming back to the department to fund this project.”