Five firefighters from Hove will take turns carrying two dummies – dressed in uniform – for the Brighton Marathon next month.
The five are among nine members of Green Watch to be taking part in the race on Sunday 10 April.
They will be collecting money along the route for a local children’s charity and for the Fire Fighters Charity.
Firefighter Daren Smith: “Three of us ran the Brighton marathon last year and it was great to be part of it.
“I said that I would never do it again as I’m not really a runner but I did fancy taking part again if we could have some sort of gimmick or make it more challenging.
“We thought about carrying a fire service ladder around the course but the organisers weren’t keen so we came up with the idea of firefighters carrying two 30kg dummies between us.
“We have decided to run in T-shirts and fire service leggings as the heat last year would be too much for us to wear full fire kit.”