A Brighton man has appeared before a judge at the Central Criminal Court – better known as the Old Bailey – in London on a charge of encouraging terrorism at a Brighton mosque.

Abubaker Deghayes, 53, of Arundel Drive East, Saltdean, is alleged to have spoken about armed jihad in a speech at the mosque in Dyke Road, Brighton, in November last year.
At a hearing before Sir Nigel Sweeney – known as Mr Justice Sweeney – it was claimed that Deghayes “intended or was reckless as to whether members of the public would be directly or indirectly encouraged to commit, prepare or instigate acts of terrorism”.
Deghayes has denied the claims and is due to face a trial by jury.
Mr Justice Sweeney today (Monday 9 August) set the timetable leading up to the trial, with a preparatory hearing scheduled for Friday 26 November.
The trial is listed to start on Monday 10 January, with Judge Nigel Lickley presiding.
Deghayes, who spoke to confirm his identity, was again remanded on conditional bail.
He has alleged to have made the remarks at the Al Quds Mosque – also known as the Brighton Mosque and Muslim Community Centre – on Sunday 1 November last year.
Last month, after Deghayes was arrested, Superintendent Rachel Swinney, from Sussex Police, said: “Although this individual resided in our area, it is not believed that there is any immediate threat to the safety of local communities and I would urge people to refrain from speculation.”
Not sure how posting a link to a far-right Islamophobic blog, written by an American white supremacist who has been banned from entering the UK due to his hate speech, helps the debate.