Free breakfasts are being offered to get people onto their bikes in Brighton and Hove next week.
To mark Bike Week, free food and entertainment will be given to anyone who pedals up to one of three sites during the week.
Curly Hair will be providing the music at the first breakfast at Loving Hut Café, in St Peter’s Place, by The Level, Brighton, on Tuesday, June 22.
The next will be at Brighton Station on Thursday, June 24, with a Parisian twist, courtesy of a live accordion player.
Brazilian musician Tudo Bem will provide the soundtrack for the third breakfast at the Meeting Place Café on Hove seafront on Friday, June 25.
Each will run from 7.30am to 10am.
There will be other events to promote cycling throughout the week. Details will be on the Journey On website.
Brighton and Hove City Council statistics show cycling in the city has increased by 27% since 2006, with improved cycle parking at 21 schools .