People interested in volunteering to help look after Brighton and Hove’s parks and open spaces are being invited to two “introduction to volunteering” days over the bank holiday weekend.
Brighton and Hove City Council said: “The events, which include meeting park rangers, walking around the site and discussing ideas about what volunteers could do, will be held on Saturday 27 May, 2pm, at St Ann’s Well Gardens. Meet by the park well. (And) Sunday 28 May, 11am, at Stanmer Park. Meet at the Lower Lodges park entrance.
“A further introduction to volunteering event will be held at Ladies Mile on Friday 2 June, starting at 11am.
“Brighton and Hove City Council has organised the events after 3,500 people responded to the council’s Big Parks Consultation last year – and over a thousand said they would be interested in volunteering.
“The events will provide an opportunity to meet parks staff, discuss ideas and find out how to get involved. Everyone is welcome.
“Volunteers in Hove are also invited to roll up their sleeves and get stuck into a clean up session at Hove Park on (Sunday) 28 May, starting at 10am. Meet near the play area.
“The session will include meeting rangers, helping clean up and finding ways to help keep the park clean.
“For more information email or visit”