Retired people are being asked to volunteer to help a charity for older people across Brighton and Hove.
The request – from Age UK Brighton and Hove – comes just before the start of National Volunteers Week tomorrow (Saturday 1 June).
The awareness-raising week runs until next Friday (7 June) and the charity said: “Age UK Brighton and Hove is urging local older people, who are able, to consider volunteering as a way to stay active, feel fulfilled and tackle loneliness.
“Age UK Brighton and Hove has over 65 volunteers who carry out a range of roles for the charity including dementia engagement, community research, fundraising and administration.
“New volunteers are always welcome and the charity matches people to posts based on their interests, skills and experience.
“Not only does volunteering allow people to use their skills to help others, it can also have huge benefits for the individual.
“Many people say volunteering helps them feel fulfilled, keeps them active and prevents them feeling lonely.
“Volunteering can also help develop transferable skills and may lead to other employment opportunities.”
Heather Morton, who volunteers in the Age UK Information and Advice Team, said: “Volunteering has genuinely changed my life. After I was ill, I spent a lot of time at home on my own during the day.
“Once I started volunteering, I met new people, felt useful and happy that I was helping others.”
Simon Dowe, interim chief executive at Age UK Brighton and Hove, said: “Our volunteers are absolutely vital to us. We simply couldn’t do without them. Each one of them directly or indirectly helps support older people across Brighton and Hove.
“If you think you could offer some of your time and energy to help us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.”
The charity said that all volunteers were given training relevant to their role, continuing support and were paid their expenses.
It added: “Age UK Brighton and Hove is currently looking for new volunteers, particularly to help with admin, on reception and with coffee mornings.”
To find out more, email or call Richard Harris on 01273 720603.
Age UK Brighton stated on their website on 01/07/2019 that they have merged with Age UK West Sussex so do we assume that the Brighton office will close? The announcement quoted the Age UK West Sussex CEO included Brighton & Hove in her title so will the operation be run by West Sussex? If so maybe the Brighton office will be just a satellite and be run from a much smaller site. It seems sad that a City the size of Brighton cannot sustain a charity like Age UK locally. Earlier in the year their website stated they were looking to collaborate with Age UK East Sussex, which seems a more logical collaboration, merger, take over , whichever way you describe the move.