A scheme to build hundreds of low-cost homes for working families on one site in Brighton has been scrapped.
The plans by Homes for Brighton and Hove – the joint venture between Brighton and Hove City Council and the housing association Hyde – had met with protests.
Opponents said that the Whitehawk Hill site should not be used because it is part of a nature reserve.
Some had also spoken about the pressure on parking in the area at the top end of Whitehawk.
Council leader Daniel Yates signalled the demise of the scheme at a meeting of the council’s Policy, Resources and Growth Committee at Hove Town Hall this afternoon (Thursday 24 January).
He said: “A number of complexities have come up with the Whitehawk Hill urban fringe site, including technical issues that impact on the financial viability of the proposed development.
“In view of these issues it is my intention to ask the Homes for Brighton and Hove board to consider removing the development of the Whitehawk Hill site from its proposals.
“Any final decision on this site will come back to a future Policy, Resources and Growth Committee.”
The council and Hyde had intended to build 217 homes next to the blocks of flats in Swanborough Place and Lodsworth Court on a patch of overgrown brambles.
Plans are to be considered later this year for two other projects put forward by the joint venture – in Coldean and Portslade.
So are the council going to spend the money on housing or not people are homeless in this city and these people want to dilly dally around while people die in the cold. Stop pocketing the money and do what u ate ment to do build social housing…. Stop building mainly for private……
awful decision by yates: social media vigilantes win again … and gerry-votes =
Whitehawk is perfect for cheap housing don’t get it
This will be back when local elections not on the horizon.
Watch that development space
Do hope so Bob. Poor decision
In the aftermath of the mile oak housing saga….crest Nicholson were bailed out again by cohmcil and then have dropped the housing build as the cant afford the affordable housing they promised….. again at the time thousands of reptiles and creatures were placed in this area under protection as a wildlife sanctuary in whitehawk and assurances made by council the land wouldnt be built on…. then it was to be built on… we would have rather have kept them where they were, it obv happy theu are saved again from developers. Theres plenty of other areas marked for housing in the comprehensive city.plan.