People living along a busy road in Hove are asking council chiefs to bring in a “light touch” parking scheme for their street.
A formal plea is due to be made by a deputation of Nevill Avenue residents at Hove Town Hall later this week.
They plan to tell members of Brighton and Hove City Council that hundreds of new flats in nearby Sackville Road will add to the existing pressure on parking spaces.
The meeting papers said: “We are increasingly worried about road safety on this road for ourselves, our visitors and primary and secondary school children from surrounding schools.
“There has been a problem for a number of years as people from Legal and General and Lloyds TSB use Nevill Avenue to park during the day, as do users of Hove and Aldrington stations.
“Further, since parking restrictions have been brought in across Hove, notably around Hove Park, our road has seen a significant increase in long-term parking, especially vehicles such as campervans, vans and other large vehicles.
“This situation will only get worse with the Sackville Estate development, a scheme which lacks sufficient parking for the amount of residences being built.
“As these parked vehicles block the line of sight, it makes pulling out of driveways dangerous, with many residents with children in their cars – especially with the average speed being 37 mph on this road, according to police monitoring.”
Nevill Avenue resident Sue Spink is due to lead the deputation to a meeting of the full council on Thursday (21 July).
Mrs Spink said that she some people from other areas with controlled parking were leaving their vehicles in Nevill Avenue and neighbouring roads because they were on a long waiting list for a permit.
Conservative councillor Samer Bagaeen, who represents Hove Park ward on the council, said: “This is yet another group of residents in the Hove Park ward asking for their concerns to be taken as seriously as their counterparts elsewhere in the city.
“We really hope that council, officers and members on (the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee) would pay attention this time and address these concerns in a timely manner along with those of other residents in the Hove Park ward highlighting similar concerns.”
The meeting of the full council is due to start at 4.30pm on Thursday and is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.
There is a good argument for making campervan parking illegal in Brighton except in paid for car parks. They take up too many parking spaces and are annoying to look at if you a resident.
There are 2 in Saltdean that rarely move and seem to be tethered by cable for a long time. I believe there is a drive for them to sit on, but the location of parking is not the best.
We have repeatedly asked for a LTS for two roads south of the Old Shoreham Rd in Portslade always refused for no good reason by a Council Officer and ETSC. This was with support from our local Councillors.
The reasons for our asking are about the same as Neville Avenue the main difference would be Neville Ave, the bulk of properties have drives where we do not.
So I would say I don’t see much chance and if they do get LTS so why haven’t we got the same ?
Just build a park and ride for goodness sakes.
These schemes are creeping westwards. Soon the only place to park will be in Lancing!
Perhaps an enterprising soul will start a park and ride scheme from Lancing. It is obvious our council will do nothing.
There aren’t any fewer parking places. There only a problem for people who have more than their fate share of cars.
They make fortunes with the actually parking scheme so do not expect this to change soon.
We are living down the sea front in Hove and most of the time we do not have parking space when we come home from work.