More than 300 people attended a public meeting to discuss plans for a controlled parking zone in Hanover and Elm Grove last night.

So many people turned up that the meeting had to be held in the playground at Elm Grove Primary School instead of in the school hall.
Feelings ran high as people were invited to speak through a megaphone to have their say on the proposed scheme.
The vast majority of people at the meeting were strongly opposed to the plans – and those who did speak up in favour of the controlled parking zone (CPZ), mostly citing environmental reasons, were given a frosty reception.
Tweeting from the meeting, resident Mike Chowney reported a “show of hands overwhelmingly against current proposal”.
He added: “Hanover, Elm Grove CPZ seem to be trying to solve different problems with 1 blanket solution. Unworkable IMHO [in my humble opinion].”
As the meeting drew to a close, there were suggestions from the crowd that a public demonstration should be held.
One of Hanover and Elm Grove’s Green councillors Bill Randall, who was chairing the meeting, reminded people that the plans were due to be discussed by Brighton and Hove City Council‘s Conservative cabinet next month.
Meanwhile, the parking analysis by traffic consultancy Mott McDonald, on which the parking zone proposals were based, has now been published on the council website.
“and those who did speak up in favour, often citing environmental reasons, were given a frosty reception.”
Hilarious – more than a few of this bunch of angry citizens voted Green, I’m sure, last week. And more than a few voted Green in the locals, giving them the Tory council and their ‘good ideas’ in the first place.
Voting Green does NOT mean we give up our cars or follow policies blindly.
Opposition to car use/ownership is not a legally valid ground for introducing a CPZ. What is the Council doing to filter out ‘yes’ votes based on this political aim – of which there appear to be a considerable number – rather than on valid concerns about parking?