A Brighton Green Party councillor has appealed against his suspension for posting a video clip of a council meeting on YouTube.
Jason Kitcat, who represents Regency on Brighton and Hove City Council, was suspended until he apologised to Geoffrey Theobald, a member of the council’s Conservative cabinet.
Councillor Kitcat has refused to say sorry to Councillor Thoebald, who was the subject of laughter in the the “highly edited” clip which was “used improperly for political purposes”.
The video clip can be seen here.
Video clip of Councillor Geoffrey Theobald
The council’s standards committee ruled that Councillor Kitcat breached the council’s code of conduct in posting the video clip.
Councillor Kitcat disagrees and said previously: “It has been a complete waste of council officer time and money investigating this matter.”
A date has yet to be set for the appeal to be heard.