A developer planning to turn an old dairy into 19 homes will be allowed to pay the council £787,000 rather than include three affordable homes on the site.
Brighton and Hove City Council’s Planning Committee accepted the offer from Superstone Homes at a meeting at Hove Town Hall today (Wednesday 4 October).
The committee had previously required the inclusion of three affordable homes as a condition of the planning permission for the old Dairy Crest site in The Droveway, Hove.
Superstone, owned by the Taghan family, had contacted several a number of housing associations but none had been willing to take on just three properties.
Conservative councillor Samer Bagaeen objected to the proposal, saying that the council should only accept a “commuted sum” – money instead of homes – in exceptional circumstances.
Councillor Bagaeen, who represents Westdene and Hove Park, said: “Hove Park needs affordable housing. This area needs it and needs it on site.”
“These units would be helpful to the people looking for affordable provision in this part of the city.
“If (the money) goes into a pot … it is nearly impossible for the council to offer anything in this location or anywhere near it.”
The council’s housing strategy manager Diane Hughes told councillors that the money would provide a 30 per cent downpayment for 10 homes which could then be let for lower council rents.
She said that the council had considered taking on the properties itself but they would cost too much to buy, not least when better-value alternatives were possible.
If it bought them, it would not be able to justify setting rents at a low enough level for council tenants.
Labour councillor Julie Cattell said: “It seems to me if we do refuse this, it’s not going to change the situation.
“We’re not going to suddenly have a housing association knocking on the door. We could end up with a scheme of however many on this site with all occupied but three.”
Conservative councillor Carol Theobald said that the practice of developers offering money instead of including affordable homes in their schemes had been going on for a long time.
She said: “It’s the principle of the thing. It’s not quite the same to have a commuted sum. We don’t know where it’s going. I’m not happy with this application.”
Councillor Theobald was the only member of the Planning Committee to vote against the application, which went through by eight votes to one.
Sirius Taghan had been due to speak on behalf of Superstone Homes but did not attend the meeting.
From three unaffordable homes, translated into ten affordable ones. This seems like an easily reasoned good deal to me.
And I am sure advocates and the councillors will ensure this is kept to task.
Funny that people bandy round the term “affordable housing”, but it might not be exactly what you think:
Basically if the rent or cost is 20% below market then it is “affordable”. Social housing (council house etc) tends to be at 50% of market value. Other definitions apply such as rent to buy, shared ownership etc.
However I would suggest that 20% below market rate is still out of reach for very many people who need social housing.
So basically the Labour Council are shafting those requiring affordable housing for the ‘possibility’ that the money ‘may’ be used for ‘possibly’ a 30% down payment on ten more; so three homes 😳
Because no chance of affordable housing is a pretty poor alternative, Robert, I’m sure you would agree.
Also 30% down payment on ten homes is ten homes, you don’t divide it, three homes would be 9% of the money earned here.
A bird in the hand is better than three in the weeds ( we are brighton)
Your ability to make everything about weeds is impressive. Done any weeding this week? I got a few people together and did a few stairs. Looks great!
How much crap can these councils come out with How much are the homes that will be built on the site cost
Yet again the council have reneged on local people
The money will probably go into the pot so the idiots can put another cycle lane in
Nope, it is ringfenced so it can’t be used for that purpose.
They say money talks!!!
“All you who need cheaper housing can go take a hike ” I hear the council say.
Bloody disgraceful.
The council will simply piss the money up the wall on nonsense.
Sleep well councillors !!!
Can someone give me a definitive definition of affordable?
My understanding is that the property can be rented out at 80% of the market rate, saving you 20%.
Doesn’t sound like it will be a game changer to me. Still way out of reach for most.
Yeah, the definition of affordable housing is ironically still not very affordable. That’s part of a larger issue, that won’t be corrected with our current central government.
Affordable housing is a broad term used to describe a collection of government schemes where properties are offered at below-market value, either for sale or rent.
These schemes aim to help individuals who would otherwise struggle to rent or buy a property. Initiatives included under the banner of affordable housing are as follows:
Shared ownership
Rent to buy
Intermediate rent
Social rented housing
Sounds about the sort of decision that you would expect from the Planning Committee of this Council.
Don’t forget Help to Buy: where what you can’t afford to borrow is provided separately in a different Loan which you can!
It’s been replaced by First Homes, try reading the conditions and eligibility in planning obligations, totally unbelievable.
Not just restricted to Brighton and Hove. In Lewes District Council agreed to accept £40k per dwelling to remove 12 of the 23 affordable properties from a 27 dwelling development, so a total of £480k. It seems that at least B&H are better at negotiating. Needless to say the developer still built 77 properties at increased profit and affordable housing onsite went from 30% (meant to be 40%) to 14%.
These 12 were meant to be built on infill sites in the parish.. To add insult to injury after 3 1/2 years, it might come as no surprise that none have been built out and occupied, although one for a specific needs family is under construction. In the interim the 4 community land trust properties are due to be occupied in November.