A man who took a picture of himself astride a legless Shaun the Sheep sculpture has denied breaking it himself.
Zachh Bishop posted the picture on his Facebook profile on Monday, after the Shaun le Sheep statue was damaged.
But after Brighton and Hove News approached him, he said he had found the sculpture in the road and put it back on its stand at the north gate to Pavilion Gardens before taking the picture.
The sheep, which it’s hoped will later be auctioned for Martlets Hospice, was later found on North Road, at the junction of Vine Street.
It is one of at least ten out of the trail’s 42 sheep which have been vandalised or accidentally damaged since they hit the streets of Brighton and Hove last month.
Mr Bishop told Brighton and Hove News: “Thing is I didn’t even break it what a joke
“I found the sheep in the road and I put it back on the stand then took a photo then left I never broke the thing so people can believe what they want.”

On Tuesday, Martlets said it can cost up to £7,500 to repair a sheep and pleaded with people not to try and climb on them.
Although some have been deliberately vandalised, it’s thought others have been broken by people climbing on them, often late at night.
Martlets said: “We want people to make memories that matter, but stop and think before clambering on a sculpture for a photo or to impress your mates after a night out.
“Please don’t climb on them, don’t sit on them, don’t graffiti them. Instead, please donate to help us keep the trail live till 5 November for all to enjoy.
“Every donation, no matter its size, has a direct impact on people who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness.”
Shaun le Sheep was designed by artist Sara Pope, decked out in red-soled Louboutins, pink lip prints and bright red lipstick.
It’s interesting to note how provocative Shaun the Sheep has been this year.
No one seemed to mind the previous installations but Shaun the Sheep seems to have brought out the worst in people.
I haven’t heard a single word of praise for Shaun the Sheep and can’t stand him either.
Taking adult infantalism a step too far?
This concept seems to have run its course.
Admittedly the Shaun the sheep sculptures aren’t as impressive as the previous iterations but there again I don’t particularly like the new sculpture on Hove seafront but that doesn’t give me the right to vandalise it.
A group of people have put a lot of time and effort in creating them and to effectively condone wanton destruction/defacing purely on the grounds of one’s personal aesthetic is really not on…
Mr Bishop was a bit silly to have a photo over damaged property, regardless of if he did it or not.
lmfao he legit broke it fr fr no cap
Just because someone doesn’t like it there are many others that do. So damaging things spoils it for others. How selfish and childish. I also hope that they do not ever have to experience a loved one or themselves having to move into a hospice. Just mindless wanton behaviour.
Just because someone does not like the statues it does not give the the right to do mindess wanton damage to them. The statues belong to the Martlets and they are there for a purpose. I hope that those doing the damage ever have to experience a loved one or themselves needing to be admitted to a hospice. I like the statues. I find them
Clearly the Farmers at fault – but maybe the Weather and Wine too!
There are security cameras everywhere………hopefully the culprit will be made to stump up the repair money?
People aren’t deliberately vandalising them but they are sitting on them – specially if they are kids or after a few beers, they should be made stronger to withstand the weight !
They are being deliberately vandalised. You can’t accidently spray graffiti on them or split them across the head or break all four legs off.
I think it’s an absolutely wonderful thing to do for the community ✨️🐑✨️ raising money too for a fabulous Charity👏👏 all that hard work which has been put in 👏👏 has been trashed, vandalised by wicked members of the public 😡 why? Senseless
Why are people smashing the. Sheep, they are for a good cause. It’s a shame, because the sheep add more colour to the city.
I think we’re all forgetting that this is to raise money to support a hospice. A hospice that one day you or your loved ones may need the support of. Maybe when these arrogant, ignorant, classless POS need to use this service they’ll realise how much the funding is needed.
These incidents of vandalism are very sad.
However the staff at Martlets will continue to give 110% to serve this community.