An up-and-coming band we have been keeping an eye on this year is Carsick. We had them on our review list for ‘The Great Escape’, but like many punk style outfits, they decided to withdraw from the event for political reasons. But not all was lost as they still decided to come to Brighton last month and performed at The Font in The Lanes as part of the ‘The Brighton Rock’N’Roll Circus 2’ festival. We were there and our account read as follows:

“The four-piece Salisbury based indie-punks were the right band to have on as the venue demographic changed from the live music audience to a Friday night crowd not. CARSICK blended with the incoming crowd, smoothing the potentially fractious meeting of worlds. The band are Joe Richardson (vocals), Jack Richardson (guitar), Jack Hardiman (bass) and Tom Armstrong (drums). The crowd-pleasing act are a startling live force. They know how to use the stage and didn’t have any weak spots in their set. Stylistically, they blend punk, 90s indie-rock, UK hip-hop, and electronic elements. Lyrically the songs are all about living for the weekend and forgetting what happened last night. They also offer a critical, but catchy take on the music industry with their 2024 single ‘Gig Tax’. They had clearly brought fans with them and won over new listeners from the Fonts regulars with their lyrical subject matter. At one point the bassist challenged those upstairs to come down and dance. The entire band are accomplished musicians, their delivery exciting and self assured. Having charmed the Font thoroughly, they left to play a second gig on the same night at East Street Tap. The 2023 EP ‘Drunk Hymns’, and the 2024 single ‘Gig Tax’ are available now”.
Today, Carsick have posted this on their social media:
“CARSICK PARTY BUS TAKES OFF – buzzing to announce that this September we’ll be playing our 3 biggest headline shows to date in London, Brighton, and Bristol. Tickets go on sale this Friday – don’t miss out on being at the sickest parties of the year
26/09 – LONDON Camden Assembly
27/09 – BRIGHTON The Hope & Ruin
28/09 – BRISTOL Exchange”

After investigation we have found out that the promoter for The Hope & Ruin, Brighton concert is Lout Promotions, so it’s an idea to head on to or from Friday 21st June in order to purchase your tickets.