The founding chairman of the local enterprise partnership (LEP) that serves Brighton and Hove has resigned after three years in the job.
John Peel, 71, helped to set up the Coast to Capital LEP – also known as C2C. It serves West Sussex, the “Gatwick Diamond”, Croydon and Lewes as well as Brighton and Hove.
C2C is now advertising for an experienced business leader to take over from Mr Peel.
It said: “This is an exciting and challenging opportunity for an experienced business leader to play a key role in influencing economic development and business growth in our region.”
Mr Peel said: “These past three years have been challenging and some of the most satisfying of my career.

“To have been the first chairman of Coast to Capital has been an enormous privilege.
“Much has been achieved and I feel I can resign on a high note, with Coast to Capital having established a reputation as one of the leading LEPs in the country with a strong plan in place for the future.”
C2C chief executive Ron Crank said: “On behalf of the Coast to Capital board, our team and partners, I wish to thank John for his insightful leadership and support during his tenure as chairman of our board.
“He was instrumental in the establishment of the LEP and he will be a very hard act to follow.”
Mr Peel spent 18 years as managing director of the radiotherapy equipment manufacturer Varian Medical Systems, retiring in 2005.
The business grew more than twentyfold during his tenure and went from loss-making to profitable.
He has also been involved with a number of public sector and voluntary organisations in senior roles, including Central Sussex College and the Sussex Community Foundation.
Why…..oh why has my refuse bin not been collected….again!!!
Is it too harsh to say this council couldn’t organise a booze up (I’ve cleaned up the terminlogy!) in a brewery?
What exactly ARE they doing? I keep seeing the same old messages “we are currently updating our collection schedules/we apologise for any inconvenience caused/we are doing everything we can to catch up with missed collections”..oh by the way, this means, they’re paying their teams two or three times the going rate for them to go out on collections at the weekend….which we have to pay for!!!……
Just how long is this going to continue? The same old excuses; the same (please excuse the pun) rubbish service…..
Please…. pretty please….can we have people running the council who actually know what they are doing….and get the essential work done?
Don’t start me on the unbelievable situation that is currently surrounding the Seven Dials…..not to mention….and I notice that the press is strangely silent on this subject (what happened to investigative journalism?)……the obscene emptiness of the massively expensive cycle lanes on Old Shoreham Road….indeed the low use of ALL cycle lanes currently peppering our city?..Then there is Lewes Road…oh my goodness….Lewes Road. Anyone who has no choice but to use this road – and I include bus passengers and cyclists – will, I am sure, agree with me that the changes are a result of a shameful misuse of funds, and have caused more traffic jams, and therefore, car exhaust fumes, than moreorless anything else in the entire city!!
Enough – I have ranted enough. No doubt, as with any comments from the public, this will be ignored. What happened to serving the people, I wonder? Sigh…..
Tina Johnson
Why…..oh why has my refuse bin not been collected….again!!!
Is it too harsh to say this council couldn’t organise a booze up (I’ve cleaned up the terminlogy!) in a brewery?
What exactly ARE they doing? I keep seeing the same old messages “we are currently updating our collection schedules/we apologise for any inconvenience caused/we are doing everything we can to catch up with missed collections”..oh by the way, this means, they’re paying their teams two or three times the going rate for them to go out on collections at the weekend….which we have to pay for!!!……
Just how long is this going to continue? The same old excuses; the same (please excuse the pun) rubbish service…..
Please…. pretty please….can we have people running the council who actually know what they are doing….and get the essential work done?
Don’t start me on the unbelievable situation that is currently surrounding the Seven Dials…..not to mention….and I notice that the press is strangely silent on this subject (what happened to investigative journalism?)……the obscene emptiness of the massively expensive cycle lanes on Old Shoreham Road….indeed the low use of ALL cycle lanes currently peppering our city?..Then there is Lewes Road…oh my goodness….Lewes Road. Anyone who has no choice but to use this road – and I include bus passengers and cyclists – will, I am sure, agree with me that the changes are a result of a shameful misuse of funds, and have caused more traffic jams, and therefore, car exhaust fumes, than moreorless anything else in the entire city!!
Enough – I have ranted enough. No doubt, as with any comments from the public, this will be ignored. What happened to serving the people, I wonder? Sigh…..
Tina Johnson
Oh, here we go; more haters bashing the Greens, as usual.
Caroline Lucas and the rest of the ‘Green Dream Team’ have done a fantastic job, and Brighton has gone from strength-to-strength under this Green administration.
Do you realise that thanks to us Greens, Brighton will soon become a ‘One-People-And Planet Biosphere Diversity City’? If people focused more on the fantastic achievements that the Greens have brought to this city, and spent less time spreading disinformation and nonsense, then they would be far more happier.
Actually, I am a student actually, and we all fully support the Green party
Oh, here we go; more haters bashing the Greens, as usual.
Caroline Lucas and the rest of the ‘Green Dream Team’ have done a fantastic job, and Brighton has gone from strength-to-strength under this Green administration.
Do you realise that thanks to us Greens, Brighton will soon become a ‘One-People-And Planet Biosphere Diversity City’? If people focused more on the fantastic achievements that the Greens have brought to this city, and spent less time spreading disinformation and nonsense, then they would be far more happier.
Actually, I am a student actually, and we all fully support the Green party
Oh, here we go; more haters bashing the Greens, as usual.
Caroline Lucas and the rest of the ‘Green Dream Team’ have done a fantastic job, and Brighton has gone from strength-to-strength under this Green administration.
Do you realise that thanks to us Greens, Brighton will soon become a ‘One-People-And Planet Biosphere Diversity City’? If people focused more on the fantastic achievements that the Greens have brought to this city, and spent less time spreading disinformation and nonsense, then they would be far more happier.
Actually, I am a student actually, and we all fully support the Green party
Forgive my ignorance but 1)What is this ‘One-People-And-Planet Biosphere Diversity City’ that you Greens want to make Brighton become, and 2) How much will it cost hard-working tax payers to implement? Oh, and 3) How will it benefit Brighton?
Forgive my ignorance but 1)What is this ‘One-People-And-Planet Biosphere Diversity City’ that you Greens want to make Brighton become, and 2) How much will it cost hard-working tax payers to implement? Oh, and 3) How will it benefit Brighton?
Forgive my ignorance but 1)What is this ‘One-People-And-Planet Biosphere Diversity City’ that you Greens want to make Brighton become, and 2) How much will it cost hard-working tax payers to implement? Oh, and 3) How will it benefit Brighton?
How funny green girl saying we should all be proud the Green Party are getting us one people one planet biosphere diversity city status!
Then asks what it actually is and how much it will cost!!
How funny green girl saying we should all be proud the Green Party are getting us one people one planet biosphere diversity city status!
Then asks what it actually is and how much it will cost!!
How funny green girl saying we should all be proud the Green Party are getting us one people one planet biosphere diversity city status!
Then asks what it actually is and how much it will cost!!
I think what’s happened there is that someone likes to post under two different identities to stir things up, but they forgot to log out of their ‘green girl’ screen name and into their other screen name when they left the comment. Amateur.
I think what’s happened there is that someone likes to post under two different identities to stir things up, but they forgot to log out of their ‘green girl’ screen name and into their other screen name when they left the comment. Amateur.
I think what’s happened there is that someone likes to post under two different identities to stir things up, but they forgot to log out of their ‘green girl’ screen name and into their other screen name when they left the comment. Amateur.