The Labour group in Brighton and Hove has been told that it cannot have two leaders as the party prepares for the “annual council” meeting this afternoon (Thursday 20 May).

Party rules prevent the planned job share so Councillor John Allcock will become the group leader on Brighton and Hove City Council and Councillor Carmen Appich will become deputy leader.
Labour has indicated that the rules are likely to change.
In the meantime, both councillors can serve as joint leaders of the opposition as this is a council position rather than a party post and is governed by different rules.
Brighton and Hove Labour said: “Councillor Carmen Appich and Councillor John Allcock will be confirmed as joint leaders of the official opposition on Brighton and Hove City Council.
“The Labour group believe two minds can be better than one and are pleased to promote the equality, diversity and inclusion benefits of job shares.
“For internal administrative reasons, we have had to elect one of them as Labour group leader (Councillor John Allcock) and one as deputy leader – finance (Councillor Carmen Appich) while we request a rule change in the Labour Party, and work to promote job shares more widely across the party.
“They will, however, be acting as co-leaders of the opposition on the council.”
In March the ruling Greens criticised Labour and the Conservatives for trying to block changes intended to make job sharing easier.
The Greens have joint chairs for some committees, such as the Housing Committee.
At the time Labour said that the Greens’ proposals breached the council’s constitution and that it should change the constitution first before dealing with details about pay and allowances.
Just when we need an effective opposition we get a shambles of a Labour Party that seems happy to be in a coalition which is damaging its support locally, (just look at the two by election results and yet elsewhere in the South Labour made good gains). It looked like they might get it together but then didn’t even understand it’s own parties rules? I really hope Cllr Allcock and Appich can turn this around but I feel it may be more of the same.