A plan to put an illuminated sign on an industrial building in a conservation area has prompted neighbours to object.
Oakley Property wants to install an illuminated projecting letter sign at its proposed new premises in Foundry Street, Brighton, and non-illuminated painted signs.
Neighbours have sent six objections to the proposals, saying that they are concerned about light pollution in the North Laine Conservation Area.
The North Laine Community Association initially opposed Oakley’s planning application but has withdrawn its objection.
Brighton and Hove City Council’s Planning Committee is due to decide whether to grant planning permission when it meets next Wednesday (12 January).
The building is a three-storey 19th century industrial building in a predominantly residential area.
Oakley’s application provides examples of “largescale and vibrant” signs in other parts of the area, including GAK, in North Road, Hold, in Bond Street, and the Foundry pub opposite Oakley’s new premises.
Oakley’s said: “The proposed projecting sign is a bold addition to the building and draws on the creative spirit of the area.
“It has been carefully considered and, while it is large, it is well designed and not out of scale or keeping with the heritage and use of building or street in the North Laine Conservation Area.
“The proposed signage is uncluttered, with cohesive design across the whole façade.
“The materiality has been considered and corten steel is recyclable so does not need to add to landfill waste at the end of its use in this location.”

Oakley wants a bigger head office. It currently operates out of four buildings in Marlborough Place and North Road.
An objector, whose details have been redacted by the council on its website, said: “Illuminated signage would have a detrimental impact on the streetscape as well as adding to the light pollution within the North Laine.
“Anyone with a good understanding of the area, such as, for instance, a local real estate company, would instinctively know this.”
Another neighbour, whose details are also redacted, said: “We are concerned that this sign is not in line with the North Laine and the general Brighton image.”
Officials have recommended that councillors approve the application.
The Planning Committee is due to meet at Hove Town Hall from 2pm next Wednesday (12 January). The meeting is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.