The Cribs who released their eighth album, ‘Night Network’, back in November 2020, have now announced a local concert here in Brighton. The performance will take place at CHALK in Pool Valley on Saturday 12th March 2022. Purchase your tickets HERE or from your usual ticket agent.
‘Night Network’ was self-produced and recorded at the Foo Fighters Studio 606 in Los Angeles in the spring/summer of 2019 and was heralded by the fantastically creative, socially distanced video for lead track ‘Running Into You’ – co-directed by Andy Knowles and Nick Scott and featuring acclaimed actor Sam Riley.

Having released their Steve Albini engineered album, ‘24-7 Rock Star Shit’ – their fourth consecutive UK top 10 album – in August 2017, the multiple Q and NME Award winning band returned after almost 3 years of business wrangling’s and self-questioning with an album that was as fresh, cathartic and vital as anything they’ve ever put out. There was no weariness, no bitterness, just a clear desire to get back to doing what they do best – that unique blend of bittersweet melody, brutal lyrical honesty and riffs for days.
No indulgence was made to the band’s struggle. Instead, it was wall-to-wall Cribs bangers, the fruit of that special, symbiotic relationship between the songwriting, singing brothers, drawing on the boiled-down influences they felt had always been there: The Motown stomp of ‘Never Thought I’d Feel Again’ and ‘Under The Bus Station Clock’, red and blue album-era Beatles (‘Running Into You’ and ‘In The Neon Night’, respectively), melodic 70’s style pop on ‘Deep Infatuation’, and even early work by their own band.
In a typically downplayed way, the band had honed in on what’s so special about The Cribs: really bloody good songs. Fans might well have thought that this is their best album in a decade. So, once again it was alright in Cribs world – or as much as all is right in any world in 2020 at least. The Cribs are romantics and they’re realists, and the balance, for a hot minute, nearly tipped in the favour of the latter. They returned empowered, beholden to no one, in the greatest form and still screaming in suburbia.

The Cribs are:
Gary Jarman (bass, vocals)
Ryan Jarman (guitar, vocals)
Ross Jarman (drums)
Album discography:
‘The Cribs’ (2004)
‘The New Fellas’ (2005)
‘Men’s Needs, Women’s Needs, Whatever’ (2007)
‘Ignore The Ignorant’ (2009)
‘In The Belly Of The Brazen Bull’ (2012)
‘For All My Sisters’ (2015)
‘24-7 Rock Star Shit’ (2017)
‘Night Network’ (2020)
Visit thecribs.com for further information on the band.