A doctors’ surgery in Brighton has promised to recruit more staff and extend its opening hours after a statutory watchdog intervened.
The watchdog, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, described the pledge as a victory for patients at the New Larchwood Surgery, in Waldron Avenue, Coldean.
Patients were unhappy about a decision to reduce hours and services there, forcing them to travel for up to 30 minutes and on two buses to the alternative service at Carden Surgery.
One patient told Healthwatch: “We need the surgery open every day for the elderly, vulnerable and those unable to access Carden surgery.”
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove was asked to facilitate an online meeting which brought together patients, the Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and the Carden and New Larchwood GP Practice.
Healthwatch said “Patients spoke about mobility issues, carer responsibilities and mental health concerns that have been negatively affected by the reduced service.
“Healthwatch also conducted a patient survey, which confirmed the negative impact of the practice’s changes.
“As a result, the practice has promised to recruit staff and extend hours.”
Green councillors Zoe John and Martin Osborne, who represent the area on Brighton and Hove City Council, said: “We are very pleased to see our residents’ views are being listened to in such a meaningful way.”
They thanked Healthwatch for its work in highlighting how the reduced hours at the New Larchwood Surgery had had a detrimental impact on patients, especially those who were more vulnerable or with mobility problems.
The two councillors said: “We support the recommendations from Healthwatch to revert to the original opening hours and reinstate the nurse practitioner role and call on the CCG to consider this seriously.”
The surgery reduced its service in April last year from every day to two mornings a week, prompting complaints from the some of the 2,000-plus people who were registered with the practice.
In the summer, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove conducted a survey and 385 patients – 18 per cent – responded. They said
- the service had become worse since the hours had been reduced, with 56 per cent of patients saying that their experience of booking an appointment at the New Larchwood Surgery had become worse since the change
- they were dissatisfied with the new hours, with 81 per cent of patients wanting New Larchwood Surgery to open for more than two mornings
- the reduced hours had had an adverse effect, with 75 per cent of patients providing examples
- booking an appointment and/or travelling to the alternative surgery was difficult for them
- the changes were having a negative effect on their mental health
In addition, 16 patients said that they had avoided making an appointment because of the change.
One patient said: “Vulnerable family members have not sought the care they need as the ‘hassle’ now involved with wait times and booking puts them off.”
Healthwatch Brighton and Hove chair Geoffrey Bowden said: “Healthwatch welcomes the way in which local doctors have listened to patients at New Larchwood Surgery and are making changes to improve future services.”

The Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group and the Carden and New Larchwood Practice said: “Together, we look forward to continuing to engage with patient and community groups who were involved in the survey and reported findings to listen to the feedback and work together to find solutions to help improve patient experience.”
The CCG said that there were no plans to close the New Larchwood Surgery.
The partners at the Carden and New Larchwood Practice said that they were recruiting a nurse practitioner and had plans to recruit another GP for the New Larchwood Surgery.
The practice partners said that when they had fille the posts, they could increase opening hours.
Healthwatch said: “Patients pressed the importance of having New Larchwood Surgery open every day.
“Patients offered to provide voluntary services to counter the challenges of lone-working staff (and) practice partners agreed to liaise with patients about this.
“Practice partners offered to update their website with the current service offer and recruitment plans and provide the same for the Coldean Residents’ Association newsletter.
“A second review was agreed for between two ando three months’ time.
“This is part of our ongoing work challenging the Clinical Commissioning Group about a reduction in GP access.”