Any tour from The Sisters Of Mercy is an event in its own right, and this one is no different. The last time the Sisters played in the UK was in 2021 at this very venue, the Roundhouse. However, since then they seem to have been touring the world pretty much non-stop. Unsurprisingly their appearance in London brings out the faithful in their droves. Having said that, the show is apparently not sold out.

Tonight’s support act are The Virginmarys, who have forty minutes in which to convert some new fans. The band, from Macclesfield, were originally a three piece, but with the departure of their bassist Matt Rose in 2016, and their touring bass player Ross Massey, who was effectively Matt’s replacement, in 2016, the band has resolutely remained a two piece. They comprise Ally Dickaty on vocals and guitar, and Danny Dolan on drums.

Their arrival onstage is preceded by classic 1960s soul played over the PA, which in no way prepares the audience for the onslaught to follow! I must confess that I was a bit concerned that they may not be as good as a two piece. However, I needn’t have worried. Their sound is still pretty full-blooded. Danny Dolan has what looks like a ship’s bell as part of his kit. Initially I thought that this was perhaps some kind of trophy, but apparently this is not the case as it gets a considerable amount of use!

Ally Dickaty has a superbly raw voice, which eminently serves their material. They play a new single, which unfortunately I don’t catch the title of. It has more of a classic rock feel than anything else in their set, and in times gone by would have had ‘hit’ written all over it. Maybe it still has today?

Tension and expectation mounts as we wait for The Sisters Of Mercy to take the stage. There are quite a few goths in the audience, likewise metallers. However, a Sisters audience is not as easy to quantify as it may have been thirty-five years ago. For example, a posh sounding bloke in a Barbour jacket pushes past me on his way to the front. He’s going to be uncomfortably hot in that jacket….. I really didn’t think that I’d ever see anyone so attired at a Sisters gig.

The Sisters Of Mercy today comprise the ever present Andrew Eldritch on vocals, Ben Christo on guitar, Dylan Smith on bass and second guitar, and a chap manipulating four laptops, whose name appears to be a very well kept secret. On taking the stage Andrew Eldritch reminds us “we’re from Leeds!”. Well, the original band was Andrew. Ben Christo is from Bristol however, Dylan Smith’s origins are probably somewhere on the internet, but wherever they are they’re not easy to find, and laptop man’s origins are as difficult to discover as his name is. There is no drummer. The laptops are clearly the descendants of the Sisters’ original drum machine Doktor Avalanche.

A question that enters my mind more than once during the gig is whether the Sisters can still be considered a ‘current’ act, or whether they are now firmly ensconced on the nostalgia circuit? They haven’t released a new album since ‘Vision Thing’ in 1990. The reason for this being that they had a disagreement with East West Records, and effectively went on strike, as far as recording was concerned. This went on until late 1997, when the band’s contract with East West was terminated.

There have been repeated rumours of a new album since then, and indeed, some new songs have been played live (including ‘Don’t Drive On Ice’ tonight), but thus far there is no sign of the fourth Sisters album being released. However, the old songs still sound modern, despite being over thirty years old, and the Sisters’ vitality as a live band is pretty astonishing. Also, they’ve never ceased operations, and the presence of new material does suggest that they are moving forward.

Andrew Eldritch’s voice is quite low in the mix. This leads to some disquiet in the audience, with one member suggesting that Eldritch was lip-syncing. I can assure you that this was very much not the case. His voice was in fine form. For some of the time Ben Christo was also singing, his part being an octave above Eldritch’s. This may have led to some confusion.

All in all, tonight’s gig is pretty impressive. I know that some audience members were grumbling about Eldritch’s vocals, and saying that he “didn’t sound like on the records”. Well, in all honesty, very few artists do. If you want to hear something that sounds like the record, stay at home and listen to the albums. Personally, I can’t wait till the Sisters tour again, or indeed, release that fabled fourth album.

The Sisters Of Mercy setlist:
‘Don’t Drive On Ice’
‘I Will Call You’
‘But Genevieve’
‘First And Last And Always’
‘Dominion’ / ‘Mother Russia’
‘Instrumental 86’
‘Doctor Jeep’ / ‘Detonation Boulevard’
‘Eyes Of Caligula’
‘I Was Wrong’
‘Crash And Burn’
‘Vision Thing’
‘On The Beach’
‘When I’m On Fire’
‘Lucretia My Reflection’
‘Temple Of Love’
‘This Corrosion’

Cannot wait to hear the Sisters at Bristol’s Marble Factory on 15 November.
A nice review. However this is the second review I have seen that does not mention the fact that Dylan got escorted off the stage by security about 2 songs before the end. Saw him outside the venue afterwards and he was not very happy.
In fact Dylan Smith did not appear with the band on the 2nd night, which suggests he might have played his last gig with The Sisters. Interesting to see if Smith rejoins the band on the November dates or is replaced by another guitarist.
Kai from Esprit d’Air is now playing in his place, for the rest of the tour. Looking forward to seeing him in Glasgow!
I am envious, they were great in Rock City; enjoy 🙂 x
Thanks for your three comments.
The comments about the mix are charitable, I was really disappointed by the sound on Friday. I’m assuming the main pa belongs to the Roundhouse and was not something the Sisters have been dragging around the world. I couldn’t decide if it was a conscious mixing problem or whether the PA is tired and in need of service. (I refuse to spend money on the Shepherd’s Bush Empire for this same reason, as the sound has been consistently awful for years).
They sounded a lot better two years ago. I wasn’t sure if it was a conscious decision for Ben to take more vocals or whether Mr Eldridge might be suffering from some throat lurgy – he just walked off the stage during the third or fourth song it didn’t seem planned.
As you have correctly observed, the crowd was a noticeably more subdued than normal. I don’t think that was because everyone was two years older than last time.
It was a terrible gig!
I was expecting to see a band, not a singer, guitarist, a man at a desk and another arguing with someone off stage in-between the few chords he played in each song.
The vocals were too low and could barely be heard.
BC carried the band and was the only one who looked like he wanted to be there.
A drunk woman that stumbled into me summed it up quite well with her apology: “sorry… let’s be honest though; it’s a bit sh*t, ain’t it.”
I agree, it was horrible gig, probably the worst in my life, sound distorted, Eldritch was mumbling to the microphone, I couldn’t hear a single word, no basist, no drum, very poor performance , very disappointing.
Have to agree with you here. Was the reviewer at the same gig???
15 minutes late on to the stage, mainly because the bassist was up and down the stairs arguing with someone during that time.
Odd arrangements and very quiet vocals left me wondering what half the songs were until the chorus kicked in.
I was, however, impressed by the lead guitar.
They are past their expiration date and it shows. Andrew doesn’t sound good anymore because he has lost his voice just like Axl Rose. A lot of bands sound as good as they do live as they do on the record but when you have guns for hire it just becomes a giant joke catering to the people who want to just hear a few songs in the rest of it it just complete drivel
Actually Eldritch’s voice sounded great at Rock City! – could be how it was mixed in London. I was happily surprised how like the records he still sounds! – The guys playing with him are obviously, thankfully, talented enough, but Eldridge IS The Sisters of Mercy, regardless who else is or isn’t there.
Andrew: Call me. eight two eight five four five eight three two one. Faith
Went on Saturday it was brilliant can’t wait to see them again
The person operating Doktor Avalanche was none other than Chris Catalyst, a former member of The Sisters of Mercy. Dylan, the Australian guitarist, was also fired from stage as Eldritch asked him to get off during the first of three encores. The sound was awful. Ben Christo really carried the weight of the band on his shoulders – no disrespect to him.
The gig was dire, the sound atrocious. A fan for 35 years or more and we walked out. I haven’t seen The Sister play well in over 15 years. Two paid gigs and a festival appearance have cemented the reality I will never pay money to see them again. The sound was held together by the audience singing long loudly, it was bad Sister karaoke at best
I totally agree! I thought about seeing the Sisters at the Roundhouse..However I after the intense gigs of the 80”s & early 90’s…The general sound & performance quality now is all about just bringing in the income for Andrew & Co..Some good new songs would sound better on an albun .
The early live Sisters experience vocals & sound was always special & outside the box..I’m pleased I made the correct decision & save £50:00 so as not to have to hear & see such a shit troubled infighting performance. Time to give up the ghost’.
This was the second time I have seen them- the first being about 15 years ago – and the vocal mix at that show was crap also. I don’t think it’s a product of Andrew’s voice being bad or ruined, but rather the lack of capability of whomever is mixing the sound to capture his very low register well. (I’m a singer and I’m frequently told by people that they couldn’t hear the low parts of songs. That has nothing to do with my voice or ability to hit the notes, but is all about the mix at the board.) It’s horribly disappointing though because without the lead vocals – well, it’s just not the same and we’ll leave it at that.
I was standing on the side of the stage where Dylan was stationed for most of the night. He was acting a right asshole from the very beginning. Clearly they were having trouble with the sound and/or monitors, but he spent far to much time flipping off the sound tech when he should have just figured out a way to *get through the night.* At first it was kind of comical, and then it was just ridiculous and distracting. He must have gone to the Nikki Sixx school of how to be a total douche on stage. He should have been fired for his attitude alone.
I still enjoyed the show – primarily because my husband and I were on vacation from the US and it was fun to see a show at the Roundhouse. But alas I probably won’t be lining up to see them again unless there can be some assurances that the vocals will be mixed well.
It’s been like this for years now, and I have refused to give money to such a joke of a show for years precisely because of this. And this is objective, and consistent.
That’s a shame; they wern’t great 2016 when I last saw them, due to dodgy sound mix, but I’m SO glad I gave them another chance; they were fantastic at Rock City in Nov, I’ve re-discovered my love for them live! Looking forward to next time I can get to see them, God willing. Only saw them once in the ’80s, honestly think this last show was as good if not better. It didn’t strike me till later that there were also a lot of youngsters there; wasn’t all old bids like me, heartening to know some kids have good taste, & The Sisters live on!
Well the usual negativity after Von was yet again magnificent! Yes there were sound issues on the Friday night but one should look to the venue and their sound engineers and their lack of understanding of how to produce sound effectively for a band such as the Sisters. People who have nothing better to do than post negatively are best staying at home nursing a cocoa and leave those of us who respect Andrew’s talent to enjoy and revel in memories of a great night!
Just seen the Sisters at the Marble Factory in Bristol for the first time, new guitarist Kai was great, Ben was brilliant and Andrew sang well, the crowd vibe was awesome and i enjoyed the set list. Obviously never going to be as good as a studio album but a great gig all the same, will go and see again if local.
Criticising a guy in his 60’s because he doesn’t match the version in his prime is harsh and stupid. People age. I enjoyed it and thought his vocal performance was fine.