Well you certainly know that you’ve made it when you get your own Wikipedia page and that’s exactly what Brighton’s loud’n’proud punk band of the moment, the Lambrini Girls have managed to achieve! But I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised, especially after all as they did open for the legendary Iggy Pop at Crystal Palace Park in 2023 – Review HERE.
Having formed back in 2019 as a quartet and performed their first gig in May of that year, the outfit has undergone a few lineup changes in that time and the current lineup features the sole founding member of Phoebe Lunny (she/they) on lead vocals and guitar duties, as well as Lilly Macieira-Boşgelmez (she/they) who joined in 2022 on bass and backing vocals. Their drummer position of late tends to feature the services of various revolving session musicians.
Shy and retiring (sic) Phoebe Lunny was also a founding member of Wife Swap USA and they played their debut performance on 6th December 2019 – Review HERE. Lilly was also to join the band, which no doubt led her to building a friendship with Phoebe and thus becoming a full-time ‘Brini’. Our first live encounter with the Lambrini Girls was back on 20th February 2020 when they played at The Rossi Bar – Review HERE.
The Lambrini Girls music tackles hot button societal issues combined with a biting, tongue-in-cheek lyrical style all their own. They have a strong artistic bond over their creative common ground that has seen them in tune with the thought processes of the younger ‘fully aware’ generation. They have certainly endeared themselves to the right folk of the press with NME stating that the brand new Brini’s long player, ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’, “…is loud, raw, and impossible to ignore ★★★★★” and Dork stating it’s “a debut album that’s practically perfect in every way. One thing’s for sure: punk’s definitely not dead ★★★★★”.
This evening we are in a packed Resident music store in Kensington Gardens to witness another truly memorable live set from the band. Not surprisingly, ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ is the shop’s “Record Of The Week” and fans in attendance this evening have purchased a vinyl or CD copy of the album in order to be present tonight.
Anything can happen during a Brinis live set and more often than not it does, with Phoebe more often or not being the lead instigator! You bring yerself…..and they’ll bring the chaos! A classic example of this being their famous Resident instore gig from back in May 2023 whereby some outer clothing became optional and then Phoebe got a punter to parade her around the shop on his shoulders. Not content with that, she did some crowdsurfing, and then the Brinis added another dimension to the word “instore” by literally taking their drumkit, bass, guitar and microphone outside of the shop and into the street and carried on playing! (Review HERE).

It’s cold and dark this evening, so an impromptu outstore isn’t an option but other shenanigans are afoot across the band’s 47 minute set, which commenced at 6:45pm and successfully concluded at 7:32pm.
The trio, including a drummer I think was called Micha and could have easily passed as a member of the Sweet back in the day, appear from the door behind the counter to hearty cheers from the fans gathered down the store’s various ailes and there’s a long intro drum roll and warm-up jam before Phoebe enquires “Who is ready to f*ck?” and they launch into ‘Big Dick Energy’ which is the first of the tracks from the new LP. Lilly is on shared vocals for the chorus and then Phoebe comes forward and joins the crowd. We are then requested, (if we are able to), to crouch down and stay there for a while and some punters clap along to the beat, and then the shop is full of human jack-in-the-boxes! Suffice to say that the tune and antics went down a storm and Phoebe’s stall was set!
Their second selection was ‘Help Me I’m Gay’ which is from their ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album from back in 2023. This rumbled along nicely, with the trademark shouty vocal delivery. Phoebe asked those present who identified as gay and for those folk to raise their hand in the air and then Phoebe selected two people and asked if they were“gay legends” to loud applause. Last year’s ‘God’s Country’ came next and for this Phoebe climbed on the record store counter and said that they are a political band and then went on to give their support to Palestine.
It was time to plunder another tune from the new ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album, this being the best tune so far, namely the swinging punk ‘Company Culture’ tune, and for this, Phoebe invited those that wished to mosh in the store to move to the front by the band, and if it was OK, for those that were already standing there to give way. It all seemed amiable. Phoebe then commandeered our photographer Cris Watkins and asked him to hold her microphone whilst she was on the counter playing her guitar. Obviously he obliged and still managed to grab a couple of shots. His reward was “Everybody give it up for Cris, he is a local photographer……and now he is my mic stand”.
According to the setlist, it was to be ‘Love’ from the new LP next, but either I had totally missed it, or they mistakenly missed it out, or dropped it at the last minute? Phoebe announced that ‘Big Apple’ (from the LP) was next and the rumbly Fender Mustang bass and drums combination reminded me of that distinctive IDLES sound. During this track Phoebe was hoisted up by a few people so that she was standing above us and then she performed an aerial mosh and her large boots were briefly resting on the ceiling.

‘Mr Lovebomb’ from 2023’s ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album was up next and this is kicked off by a long scream from Lilly. When the title of the track is sung, it reminds me (in style) of Cal from fellow Brighton outfit DITZ, who incidentally will be performing their own Resident instore on Friday 24th January for their new ‘Never Exhale’ album (Details HERE). Mid-song, Phoebe then asks the crowd “who wants anything from the shop” and some folk shouted out their requests and amazingly Phoebe put her coat on and actually left Resident in order to fulfill the orders. Meanwhile Lilly and Miche jammed on and Lilly had a wander into the crowd. After about two or three minutes, Phoebe bursts back into the store armed with goodies, the wrong ones….packs of four toilet rolls were thrown to some lucky punters. I’m not sure Phoebe was expecting what was going to happen next, but folk actually opened up the packs and whilst the trio reconvened with the second half of ‘Mr Lovebomb’, the toilet rolls were hurled across the lines of fans in streamer style, and so a new prop was born! Phoebe’s comment “This is f*cking amazing!”.
I noted that Phoebe’s aqua marine coloured Fender Mustang guitar had broken a string and it might have actually given up the ghost for the night, cue rose pink coloured Fender replacement! It was then handed out to fans to have a go! Another cut from the new LP was selected next, this being ‘Filthy Rich Nepo Baby’, which as you would expect benefits from their trademark shouty vocals, meaty bass and slamming drums sound.
Prior to performing their penultimate selection, it was time to educate folk into highlighting the fact that if their mates are out of order and behaving inappropriately, then it’s time to call them out! Lilly added that it’s only between 6 and 8 percent of all ‘social’ assaults that are prosecuted. She may have meant ‘sexual’, I’m not sure, but it’s worth highlighting the fact! This led into ‘Boys In The Band’ from the ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album, which was written about this subject.
Their final selection was soundwise totally different from all of their previous material. This newbie is titled ‘C*ntology 101’ and is the closing number from the new album. It’s got a dancebeat and the crowd were encourage to shout “c*untie” after every line was delivered. A vast majority obliged with smiles on their faces. Miche stood up and played one drum, whilst Lilly climbed on the counter and Phoebe went into the crowd for a dance. They had successfully ended on a party vibe and at 7:32pm that was our lot. Cue loud appreciative whoops and claps! The trio retreated back behind the shop counter and left us for a few minutes, whilst the punters organised themselves into a long queue in order to get their copies of the new release signed by the band.
It’s fair to say that the Brinis recorded material is much tighter than their live sets tend to be, but I guess when you’re whizzing all over the place and keeping the punters amused and on side, the sound of the music doesn’t necessarily have to be as tight as the recorded versions, thus their live performances are always in the moment. So go catch them live when you can and snap up the recorded material to absorb their messages! ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ purchase options can be found HERE.

Lambrini Girls:
Phoebe Lunny – lead vocals, guitars
Lilly Macieira-Boşgelmez – bass, backing vocals
Micha – drums
Lambrini Girls setlist:
“Intro Jam”
‘Big Dick Energy’ (from 2025 ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album)
‘Help Me I’m Gay’ (from 2023 ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album)
‘God’s Country’ (a 2024 single)
‘Company Culture’ (from 2025 ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album)
?‘Love’ (from 2025 ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album)
‘Bad Apple’ (from 2025 ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album)
‘Mr Lovebomb’ (from 2023 ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album) (first half)
“Improv Jam”
‘Mr Lovebomb’ (from 2023 ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album) (second half)
‘Filthy Rich Nepo Baby’ (from 2025 ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album)
‘Boys In The Band’ (from 2023 ‘You’re Welcome’ extended EP/mini album)
‘C*ntology 101’ (from 2025 ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ album)
The drummer is Misha Phillips also of Mullholland, Pascagoula and also records as Smoking Room. They run their own label called come to brazil too.