A health forum has been set up in Hove to act as a patient group for doctors’ surgeries.
It’s one of about 20 patient participation groups across Brighton and Hove. All 47 practices are required to have a group or similar means of engaging with patients.
The Hangleton and Knoll Health Forum held its first meeting at St Richard’s Church in Egmont Road on the Knoll estate in Hove.
About two dozen people – almost all over 50 years old – went along. They were also almost all registered at the three GP (general practitioner or general practice) surgeries in Hangleton.
The meeting was organised by the Hangleton and Knoll Project and Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) with the support of Brighton and Hove City Council.
Jane Lodge and Carolyn Syverson from the CCG spoke about public health and the role of patient groups. Magda Pasiut, from Healthwatch, a new watchdog, also spoke.
Some of the concerns raised by patients included how long it can take to be seen by a doctor and the use of locums affecting continuity of care.
Those present were told that all three surgeries had signed up to engage with their patients.