A Brighton student whose laptop containing her dissertation was stolen just three weeks before it was due to be handed in is making a heartfelt appeal for anyone who knows where it might be to return it to her.
The home that nursing student Imogen Sotos-Castello shares with three other young women in Windmill Street, Brighton, was burgled in the early hours of Tuesday morning and the black Fujitsu laptop taken.
Imogen has been given a deadline extension, but is still desperate to get the laptop back. She said: “I am panicking. The university has said I can have two weeks but I don’t think that’ll be enough, I’ve been working on it since December.
“I have recovered drafts from emails to my university tutor but not much, and my hard drive was also stolen.
“It’s an old looking black Fujitsu laptop and I know it’s a totally stab in the dark but if people could look out for it being dumped anywhere, I don’t think it would be worth anything.”
Imogen is also trawling local pawn shops in the hope that it will turn up. To add insult to injury, her contents insurance say they she isn’t covered because the window the burglars gained entry through was broken and had not yet been fixed.
A police spokesman said: “A laptop containing a student’s coursework due to be submitted in three weeks‘ time has been stolen in a burglary of a house in Brighton.
“An intruder is believed to have broken into the house in Windmill Street overnight on Tuesday (May 17). Some of the residents heard a noise around 1am on Wednesday morning, but it was not enough to alert them.
“The computer is a black Fujitsu laptop. Anyone with information about the burglary or who may have been offered the device, which has the serial number YLNC28054, is asked to email 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk or call 101 quoting serial 585 of 18/05.”
She might have been better using her time to set up a Dropbox account rather than drawing rabbits on her arm.
You might have better things to do then comment on her appearance.
Wow?! Really?
Voice of Reason. Never has a name ever been more inaptronymic.
Don’t think she actually drew them on her own arm, mate.
Victim blaming is apparently the “Voice of Reason”.
I fail to see how this comment is any way relevant, let alone warranted. ‘Voice of Reason’, how deluded.
Waste your time elsewhere, idiot.
How helpful you are! What a thoughtful and empathetic comment. Ugh. Go away.
Bit of a pointless comment this wasn’t it?
I would have to join the chorus of voices against reason.
The article clearly said she had her external hard drive stolen also, so her work was backed up. It is just unfortunate for her that the hard disk was also stolen.
I guess however that you are a troglodyte and lacking completely in compassion and empathy. Which is why your lonely existence is devoted to being nasty. Enjoy your life.
come off it! shes working hard on a project and you go and say something like that. I hope it pulls together and you get a 1st!
I don’t think the tattoos on Imogen’s arm have anything to do with the fact she didn’t use a dropbox account. I also think that ‘should of’ isn’t very helpful for someone in utter distress and someone who is qualifying a nurse to help multiple people. Maybe keep your unhelpful and sarcastic comments to yourself you idiotic fool.
and it’s a hare not a rabbit.
Yes it’s a Hare
What an ignorant comment considering the severe implications for Imogen. She is a wonderful person and does not deserve this bad luck.
@ Voice of Reason.
What exactly do a persons tattoos have to do with their laptop being stolen? Yes,a bit daft not to have backed up her files but to link that with her ink is pretty thick. Guess you’re the type who sits behind keyboard getting kicks from upsetting people. Hopefully its your PC/laptop/iPad etc the scumbags steal next time. I hope she gets lucky and retrieves her work.
I hope you find it Imogen! Xx
@ budgee did you even read it? She did back it up
When buying a car or any vehicle, you usually get 2 set of keys. Do you take both keys with you when you drive? There’s your answer.
I wonder what course she’s doing. If it’s anything IT related. Then it’s safe to say, good luck with employment. There are so many free cloud storage out there. Even teenagers doing their GCSE’s use cloud storage.
Read it?? Clearly not; she’s a nursing student with an old laptop…
Some people really aren’t happy unless they’re taking a dig at someone or moaning about everything.
this is the most ‘brighton’ comments section of all time.
Return laptop/hang the trolls
The standard of comments here are a disgrace. Do you people have no lives?
Imogen, if you happen to read this, and you haven’t already spoken to the IT help desk at the university, go do it. If you’re at Brighton (as opposed to Sussex), pick up any phone and call extension 4444, or dial 01273 64 4444. If you ever sent your draft dissertation to someone on StudentCentral, or you edited it on one of the open access PCs, it’s vaguely possible that there may be recoverable copies somewhere. Even if you mailed it to a lecturer that has now left the uni, someone may be able to recover their archived mailbox. If a lecturer stored a copy in their shared SharePoint-based drive and has since deleted it, talk to the SharePoint team and they can recover it for you.
It’s a long shot, but talk to the nice people on the help desk and see if they can help you with any of this.