A car crashed into one of Viaduct Road’s plant pot chicanes in the early hours of this morning.

The crash, which only involved one car, happened shortly before 3am.
Nobody was hurt.
A police spokesman said: “At 2.52am on Friday (27 May) police were called to Viaduct Road, Brighton, where a black Honda Civic car had collided with street furniture.
“The driver, a 37-year-old man from Brighton, was unhurt. No other vehicles were involved.”
A spokesman for South East Coast Ambulance Service said: “We sent a car and an ambulance to the scene.
“The patient had been able to get out of their vehicle by themselves and no one required hospital treatment.”
The plant pots were placed in the road last year as part of a trial to reduce speeds in Viaduct Road.
In the first few weeks, the average speed reduced from about 50mph to less than 30mph along the road, which is part of the city’s 20mph zone.
Residents have been told they may now be replaced with communal bins, although no official permanent replacement has been proposed.
A council spokeswoman said: “The trial scheme on Viaduct Road will be assessed and permanent solutions proposed as part of the 2016/17 Local Transport Plan Programme.
“Any proposals will be subject to consultation.”
So getting average speeds down to 30 mph in a 20 mph zone was counted as an initial success by the previous council administration, where the chicanes were introduced at the same time as road works in Valley Gardens for the vanity Edward Street cycle lane scheme had caused all traffic to slow anyway.
So what are average speeds now as vehicles race to get through the chicanes before other vehicles?
This was always a typically clueless green party inspired scheme that was just waiting to cause accidents.
The plant pots are an embarrassing eyesore. Just remove them. Replacing them with communal bins will make it even worse.
Can we remove them please? They are a disgrace as they look awful, are dangerous as they are dark and hard to see at times. If there is a real need for measures to slow traffic down on the road, then surely there are better things which can be done. It may cost money, but if something is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
Can we get them at the bottom of Stanford avenue! Boy racers last night coming in from 10pm were a pain!