A Brighton painter wants to fill windows with art in May.

Denise Harrison planned to show her work at the Phoenix Gallery as part of the Open Studios event, now postponed because of the covid-19 coronavirus.
As an alternative, she wants people to display their art in their windows so that it can be seen from the street during May.
The Open Windows 2020 project follows on from people putting children’s pictures of rainbows and bears in windows around Brighton and Hove.
She said: “I thought wouldn’t it be a great idea if people had something to aim for and do.
“I’ve looked at the rainbows in the windows and thought it would be great to have social artwork.
“It’s about having a sense of purpose and gives people outside a chance to look at things.”
Miss Harrison, who teaches painting at the Phoenix as well as the Cass Art and Starling Studio in Brighton, wants to make art accessible to everyone.
She already has a network of artists interested in taking part.
But she wants everyone who can to produce something to make Brighton and Hove bright for what would have been the festival period.
She said: “Nothing is being judged. It’s not about sales. It’s about being accessible and inclusive for all … for children, for people who don’t think they’re artists.”
She started an Instagram trend with the hashtag #OpenWindows2020 to bring the images together when people start painting.
Anyone who wants to participate can contact Ms Harrison through her Instagram account www.instagram.com/deniseharrisonart.