A covid-19 mobile testing unit will be at Brighton Racecourse for three days from Wednesday (22 July) until Friday (24 July).
Brighton and Hove City Council said: “If you have any of the following symptoms you must get a test and self-isolate
• a high temperature
• a new continuous cough
• a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
“Anyone with symptoms can book a free test by visiting www.nhs.uk/coronavirus.
“Those unable to access the internet can call 119 to book a test.
“The racecourse will show as an additional local option for anyone who is booking a test from Tuesday night. A pre-booked appointment is required to get a test.
“Priority will be given to essential key workers who can log on to the self-referral portal www.gov.uk/apply-coronavirus-test-essential-workers.
“The mobile testing unit is a drive-through site, similar to the regional testing site at the Amex Stadium. You will be given a testing kit to take your own swab before returning it for testing.”
Alistair Hill, Brighton and Hove’s director or public health, said: “Thank you to Brighton Racecourse for hosting the mobile testing unit.
“It’s essential that anyone who develops any of the symptoms of covid-19 gets a test immediately and self-isolates at home.
“The quicker we can identify people who may have been at risk of infection, the more effectively we can reduce the spread of the virus.
“For anyone that tests positive, NHS Test and Trace will contact you and, if necessary, notify those you have been in close contact with that they need to self-isolate.
“This type of contact tracing is not new. It’s a well-established method of preventing and controlling outbreaks from measles and TB through to sexually transmitted infections. Your information will be handled sensitively and confidentially.
“If you are contacted by NHS Test and Trace please follow their advice. It is the best way to both look after yourself and your loved ones, and also to protect our most vulnerable communities.”
The council said: “The mobile testing unit is organised by the Department for Health and Social Care and operated by Armed Forces personnel.
“The vehicle’s testing environment is self-sustained. Clinical and general waste is removed at the end of each testing period and test samples are returned to the Regional Testing Sites at the end of each day to be collected by a pre-arranged courier service.”
It’s going bore us all to death at this rate.
Is it located where the car boot sale is? There must be a joke in there somewhere.