The Post Office has agreed to move its branch in Station Road, Portslade, about 250 yards along the road after a public consultation.
The branch will have the same postmaster and the premises will be more modern, according to the Port Office.
But no date has yet been set for the post office at 37-38 Station Road to move to the Sunshine Tanning Studio premises at 8 Station Road.
The new location is between the corner of Vale Road and the railway level crossing while the current premises are just south of the Franklin Road and News Church Road traffic lights.
The Post Office said: “The premises are currently the Sunshine Tanning Studio and it will become a convenience store and post office.
“Final preparations are being made and we will announce the relocation date in due course.
“The branch will continue to be operated by the existing postmaster as one of our main-style branches offering the same range of products and services.
“There will be three serving positions – two screened and a post office serving point at the retail counter of the convenience store.
“The opening hours will remain Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm and Saturday 9am to 4pm.
“The entrance to the proposed premises is on an incline and currently there is a step with wide doors.
“As part of the refurbishment plan, the postmaster will complete works to improve the entrance access on the incline.
“Internally, there would be a hearing loop and space for a wheelchair.
“There are limited time restricted parking bays in Vale Road. Further time restricted roadside parking is 50 metres away along Station Road with dedicated disabled bays.”
I sincerely hope the ATM will also move with it too. Otherwise it will leave just one ATM in the street outside Tesco. There is still a demand for cash and we need to be reassured that the ATM will be relocated with the Post Office branch so that those who need cash can still obtain it outside of Post Office opening hours.
According to the result of the consultation the ATM won’t be relocated as there is one at Tesco!
Agreed lack of ATMs is becoming a joke especially with many businesses going cash only to save costs.
Will the post box be moving to