A group of women took shelter in a shop when they were surrounded by dozens of protesters who followed them after they left a rally in Brighton yesterday (Sunday 23 June).
A police officer shepherded them into the North Laine Bazaar, in Upper Gardner Street, after the Let Women Speak rally in Victoria Gardens.
One of the women said that a dozen or so were given sanctuary for about an hour until the police turned up in a van to drive them to safety.
Several of those taking part in the rally yesterday complained that they were subject to aggressive abuse from about 200 protesters who mainly described themselves as trans rights activists.
Let Women Speak tweeted that Sussex Police had shown a “failure to act on multiple breaches of the peace, harassment and intimidation”, with footage on social media capturing several incidents including scuffles.
And several of the women were alarmed to see and hear Sarah Jane Baker, also known as Alan Baker, with a megaphone in the ranks of the protesters.
Baker spent 30 years in prison for kidnap and torture and later for attempted murder. The former Lewes inmate – pictured a few years ago carrying a sign saying “Kill JK Rowling” – was recalled to prison last year for breaching parole conditions.
Several women said that they had complained or planned to complain about aspects of the protest and the police response yesterday.
Sussex Police said that it would carry out investigations “to identify whether any criminality took place”.
The event was organised by Let Women Speak, a free speech movement that aims to create spaces where women can speak about issues that affect them.
The main speaker was Kellie-Jay Keen, also known as Posie Parker, who set up the Party of Women last year and is standing in Bristol Central at the general election.
She had planned to stand in Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven at the general election before the Labour Party suspended the former MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle.
One member of the audience said that many of those present were survivors of male sexual violence and abuse and were disappointed that the police had not provided better protection from harassment and intimidation.
She said that the police had allowed the protesters – many of them men hiding their identity behind masks – to get too close and to keep up a menacing barrage of aggressive verbal abuse.
She added that the police had protected the protesters’ freedom of speech and right to protest at the expense of the women’s freedom of speech and right to assemble for a peaceful rally.
One attendee said: “Around 100 women and a handful of men attended the rally but much of what was being said was drowned out by a large group of around 200 counter-demonstrators, many in masks, shouting and blowing horns and sirens.
“The police formed a protective ring around the rally and, in spite of several scuffles involving masked men, no arrests were made.”
Sussex Police said: “No arrests have been made at this time.”

The force said: “Sussex Police attended an event in Victoria Gardens in Brighton on Sunday (23 June) in order to facilitate a safe, planned protest.
“Preparations were made, with engagement between the event organisers, demonstrators and community partners, to maintain the safety of all those involved while minimising disruption to the wider community.
“Following the conclusion of the event, police took steps to ensure those leaving the event were separated from protesters as they left the area to avoid potential escalation.
“We understand people have strongly held views and sometimes expect the police to intervene. We recognise and respect different communities and want them to be safe and feel safe.
“However, we have a duty to protect freedom of expression – including (in the words of the European Court of Human Rights) the right to express ideas ‘that offend, shock or disturb’ – as long as those expressing them stay within the law.
“Demonstrations are policed by trained protest liaison officers and, should peaceful protest begin to involve hate speech or anti-social behaviour, enforcement action will be taken.
“Investigations will also take place following the event to identify whether any criminality took place.”

Another of those at the rally said: “As the police led Kellie-Jay, supporters and stewards out they mismanaged the exit so badly that the activists-protestors followed and overran many of us.
“A small group took shelter in a shop. Myself and the women carrying the PA system on a cart found ourselves circled on the junction of New Road and Jubilee Street for 20 minutes with police squeezed in between.
“I’m going to call it reverse-kettling where the peaceful and law-abiding are trapped.
“Everyone unconnected with pushing the PA cart was told to leave. The women were rescued from the shop by police and had to sit in a police van.
“Sarah Jane Baker, in the red beret, was hurling insults at the women through a megaphone (and) encouraged others to ‘punch a terf’ at a trans rally. You can google the event.
“No question of holding two sides apart. The police were throughout having to face the mostly young protesters who were pushing forwards, hurling abuse at the mostly older women. It was very intimidating.
“The interesting thing about it was that the police allowed protesters to be so close to the women that it was impossible to hear the speeches, through sirens, rattles, whistles, etc.
“So their right to protest was protected but the women’s was not as we couldn’t hear.
Some of our women had to hide in a shop as trans activists have followed them and the police can’t protect them. They’ve also been told that being screamed at and intimidated whilst walking to their car is “legitimate protest” not harassment.#letwomenspeakbrighton
— Kellie-Jay Keen (@ThePosieParker) June 23, 2024
“One woman who objected was told (by a woman officer) to leave if she found it intimidating. There is a photo of the officer in question on twitter.
“Some of the speakers were survivors (of abuse). One in a wheelchair had to endure a young man very close to her yelling ‘fascists fuck off’ repeatedly to drown her out.
“Mostly the noise was so great you couldn’t hear individual insults.”
Lewes educationalist Stephanie Davies-Arai tweeted: “Today in Brighton women tried to hold a peaceful event but @BtonHovePolice allowed a chanting angry mob to disrupt it from start to finish. Would they have let anyone disrupt Pride in this way? They’ve clearly pledged their allegiance to the flag.”
And Kellie-Jay Keen tweeted: “They’ve also been told that being screamed at and intimidated whilst walking to their car is ‘legitimate protest’ not harassment.”
Since when did it become controversial to be a woman or acceptable to have fewer rights for those who are natural born women?
Just as disturbing, pale blue represents little boy and pale pink represents little girl.
Anyone with those colours in their flag needs to be challenged on what they are flying those colours for. It might be more sensitive to choose different colours going forward and leave kids out of the trans equation if they want to do themselves a favour. Aggression is not on.
Thank you for your comment. I completely agree with your points.
Advocating for Women: It should never be controversial to be a woman or to stand up for the rights of natural-born women. Women who advocate for sex-segregated spaces and their own safety are not fascists; they are asserting their basic rights.
Misogyny in Activism: The aggressive tactics of some trans rights activists are deeply misogynistic. Shouting down and intimidating women is unacceptable and goes against the principles of respectful dialogue.
Respect and Sensitivity: It’s important to consider the symbolism of colors and flags carefully, but the focus should remain on ensuring women’s voices are heard and respected without fear of harassment.
Women deserve to speak about their concerns without being silenced. Respecting their rights and creating a space for open dialogue is essential.
Get away with your nonsense , no one is stopping anyone speaking, they just don’t want to her the drivel that comes out of poundshop Marylin Monroe’s cakehole
Aggressive, mentally ill men in frocks threaten women. Sounds Pythonesqe but not funny.
You hit the nail on the head with that one,
They’re very naughty boys 🤣🤣🤣
They are sick and demented.
Let’s be clear about one thing. These people are not “Trans rights activists” they are just thugs who enjoy a semi legal excuse for the sort of behaviour that would get them arrested if it was in connection with football. I also believe that they are being encouraged or manipulated by wanabe anarchists and maybe bad actors from outside of the UK.
How can we be clear that these thugs are not trans rights activists, they identify as trans rights activists — and how many times have we been told that when someone identifies as another gender, they magically become another gender.
The convicted criminal who now identifies as a woman has a long history of this sort of bullying behaviour, is ‘she’ being manipulated by anarchists and foreign powers?
I agree. They are also women/haters/beater or wannabe women. Than there are those women that this. Awe the poor one who were born in the wrong bodies. I need to support them. He’ll is out for us women. It’s absolutely horrific.
Every day that goes by simply underlines the fact that the police force in this country is not fit for use. The whole force is rotten from the top down. They either can’t or won’t do the job they are paid to do but they are quick to turn to the public they are failing to protect to do their job for them by passing on information.
Thanks for posting an actual account of what really happened here. The BBC, Sky News etc have ignored this story.
Well done B&H News. And they wonder why we don’t want them in our spaces.
The response from the police that they ’took steps to ensure those leaving the event were separated from protesters’ is a direct lie. They did not hold them back and we were almost immediately surrounded and close up to mainly masked men shouting abuse and intimidation. They then failed to control the situation so that we could get to our post event meet up without being followed.
Hear hear this is 100% true.
When will the police realise that these ugly men aren’t some sort of human rights crusaders, they are just there to vent their anger at women for having a few tiny rights which we wish to maintain.
The misogyny and hatred of women seems to run rife within the police force as well for letting these disgusting men frighten the women.
Absolute shame on them, they are useless imbeciles who should all lose their jobs after Sunday.
TRAs hate women. You can tell by how they act. They don’t hide it do they.
Tenants & Resident’s Associations? No, they don’t.
They’re nothing more than bullies, screaming abuse at women. And yet, as we’ve seen across the country, it’s women who are losing their jobs and being arrested for pointing out the biological reality of their lives. Lunacy.
Hi all – just chipping in with the usual content warning. This news outlet is transphobic and employs transphobic writers. It constantly amplifies transphobic views and presents its reporting to maximise and build hostility at the expense of balance and truth.
Nowhere in this item does it attempt to explore or inform on the background to this provocative event, nor does it acknowledge the reasons why anti fascist activists feel the need for a counter protest.
This report is not to be trusted as fair coverage.
Anti fascists? Take a look in the mirror. You’re not anti fascist if you don’t respect free speech. You’re not anti fascist if you use violence and intimidation. Totalitarian. Only one point of view. Unable to tolerate criticism. It’s just plain old fascism
Everything is transphobic according to trans activists including biology, reality, common sense, women’s rights, child safeguarding, and freedom of speech. Women speaking is not “a provocative event”. Using the hecklers’ veto and pretending to be ‘anti-fascist’ when you are behaving exactly as fascists do is not convincing anyone your cause is just, nor is it a counter protest, just harassment and intimidation.
So are you saying they are liars? That these women (real women with female genitals, not men in drag) were pretending to take shelter from the aggressive mob? Why are women who are fighting for their safety regarded by you as fascists? Why are those thugs in complete disguise? If they are so concerned about transphobia, then why do not reveal their identities at a counter protest? Why are they so utterly cowardly?
You sir are a desperate liar, we all saw the videos, how can you excuse such disgusting behaviour!
Oh and women speaking up to the fact their rights are being stolen by men in dresses is not transphobia!
It’s not transportation,it’s not putting up with the nonsense of Trans and the aggressive approach you lot take, it’s against the grain to think that a man can put a frock on and be one of the girls?.
Honestly I give up with you people.
You are attacking me for things I haven’t said.
I didn’t attend the event and don’t know first hand what happened, but am fully able to identify biased reporting when I read it. This piece is one sided, aims to demonise one group without giving them any voice and seeks to sanitise the protest group making the story about them as victims, rather than them as aggressors taking over a city space.
This is much of a piece with other similar coverage by this paper. They are plainly trans haters and use every opportunity they can to amplify friction and bad feeling in our community.
Thank you for your comment. Let’s address the points you’ve raised directly:
Your response indicates a deep misunderstanding of the situation and a willingness to dismiss legitimate concerns about women’s safety and rights. Labeling this news outlet as transphobic simply because it reports on the intimidation and harassment of women is dishonest and misleading.
Misogyny and Real Hostility: Your attempt to paint the reporting as biased and the women at the event as aggressors is the real hostility here. The truth is in the article: women were bullied, shouted down, and intimidated by masked activists. Dismissing these facts and calling the women transphobic is a clear act of misogyny. You are showing a deep-seated hatred for women who dare to stand up for their rights and voice their concerns.
Balanced Reporting: This piece aims to highlight the experiences of the women who were harassed and intimidated, which is a legitimate and necessary aspect of the story. The focus on their victimization is because they were, in fact, victims of aggression. Ignoring their experiences and dismissing them as biased reporting is a disservice to the truth and a tactic to silence them.
Community Friction: Accusing the paper of amplifying friction and bad feelings within the community ignores the root cause of these tensions. The real issue is the aggressive tactics used by some activists to silence and intimidate women. Reporting on these incidents is not about creating division but about shedding light on the real struggles and fears that women face.
Your accusations reflect a deep-seated misogyny and an unwillingness to acknowledge the legitimate concerns of women. Instead of attacking those who report on these issues, we should focus on fostering respectful dialogue and understanding. Women have the right to speak and be heard without fear of intimidation, and dismissing their experiences is not the way to achieve a truly inclusive and safe community.
As you, by your own admission, were not there and don’t know what happened but have allowed your own bias to influence your understanding of it, here’s an idea: Go to X (now Twitter) and look at #LetWomenSpeakBrighton and see the videos of defenceless women being closely surrounded by, screamed at and abused by large numbers of masked men. Then ask yourself who is amplifying friction and bad feeling in your community. Let’s see if you can come up with an honest answer.
I doubt it.
Idk – how hard is this to understand. I have made no comment on what happened at the event. I wasn’t there. I *have* however noted that the reporting of the event was evidently and obviously slanted, giving sympathetic coverage to one side and demonising the other.
It’s almost like you folk just don’t know what balanced news reporting should look like, which is a sad reflection really.
TLDR: Everyone I disagree with is an AcTuAL FasCIsT who shouldn’t be allowed to speak.
Suggest you look up the definition of projection
The background is women were speaking about their experiences.
Here’s mine. The first time I came across Alan Baker, the convicted kidnapper and attempted murderer, who frequents women’s rights events so he can abuse women, was at a women’s liberation conference. It had multiple speakers and subjects and was protested by a group of what looked like students who follow this criminal around with his megaphone.
As we entered the building he was throwing a ball ostensibly for his dog (I worry about the poor dog to this day) but in fact he was hurling the ball directly at us women as we walked into the building.
No one does anything about these people. They are nothing but thugs harassing women who have opinions. At that event a woman was assaulted by one of these protesters.
Most women’s rights events I have attended since have had a similar set up. By no means all of these events are run by Kellie Jay Keen. These are masked thugs who want to attack women. It is beyond disgusting that they are enabled by the police and media.
Just go away and let women be free from all this nonsense, trans whatever should just get a grip,you were born a male,youe are born a female and ffs that is what you are and will always remain.
@Anarkish – Your comment is absurd and reeks of misogyny. Labeling this news outlet as transphobic simply because it reports on the intimidation and harassment of women is dishonest. The truth is in this article: women were bullied, shouted down, and intimidated by masked activists. This isn’t about balance; it’s about acknowledging that women have the right to speak and be heard without fear. Your attempt to silence women by calling them transphobic is the real hostility here. You clearly hate women who dare to stand up for their rights.
Well said.
Am fed up with these men’s rights activists who resort to insults and slurs when women speak out in defence of their hard won rights.
People like @Anarkish know their mantras unravel with scrutiny and debate — that’s why they are so desperate to shut it down.
Well done to Brighton and Hove News for it’s excellent and accurate coverage
Well said
Counter protest? The women gathered were not protesting, merely sharing their experiences of being women. Men seem to be threatened that women dare to voice things that are unique to womanhood. Misogynists have been given carte blanche to act as they always have done. Fighting to uphold the patriarchy. Away with your ‘both sides ing’. Balance and truth, my backside. Biological truth isn’t fascism.
Counter protest? The women gathered were not protesting, merely sharing their experiences of being women. Men seem to be threatened that women dare to voice things that are unique to womanhood. Misogynists have been given carte blanche to act as they always have done. Fighting to uphold the patriarchy. Away with your ‘both sides ing’. Balance and truth, my backside. Biological truth isn’t fascism.
You mean it reports the facts? We all know reality is “transphobic”
Ridiculous comment wrt the journalistic standards here tbh. It maybe not stellar journalism – but allegations of transphobia etc are simply not evidenced.
A very successful Antifascist action in which I was pleased to take part. Drove them out of Brighton, hopefully never to come back. Had to be a bit more in the background than usual as it was my young children’s first demo and the LWS group have had violent men guarding their speeches before and didn’t want to take any chances with that. Anyway me and the kids had a great time.
Imagine being proud of bringing your kids up to shout abuse at women & threaten them with violence. When they are old enough to think for themselves hopefully they will disown you for bringing them up to hate.
What a terrible thing to wish on someone. They had a great time, we’ll likely travel to oppose LWS next time and make a family day out of it. On our side we have joy in resistance after all.
We all hope the Social Services get wind of you putting your child in dangerous situations, not to mentioned indoctrinating them. They will rebel against you…
Unfortunately they’re Social Justice Services these days, more interested in breaking up families for being Transphobic.
A great time learning how to oppose the freedom of women from violence! That says a lot about your upbringing of your kids. If they grow up believing, as you do, with your twisted idea of humour, that this is fun, heaven help them in the future.
Are you sure you were at the same event….? Because I was right in the middle of those bullies. Your lies are so obvious and you did not drive us out of Brighton – many of us live here and we after gathered. You know full well no violence, intimidation, abuse came from LWS.
No violence came from the protestors, nobody hit anyone etc. Verbal unplesantries – yes, but sorry, this is what many people believe your group deserves for being anti trans for no reason, particularly in a city full of trans people where 99.9% of sexual abuse is commuted by cisgender biological men.
@MS –
1. Verbal Violence: Shouting people down and using aggressive verbal tactics is a form of violence. It aims to intimidate and silence others, which is contrary to the principles of respectful dialogue and free speech. Intimidation through shouting is an unacceptable way to engage in public discourse.
2. Reasons for Believing Sex Matters: The women speaking at the rally have clear and valid reasons for believing that biological sex matters. These include concerns about safety, privacy, and fairness in areas such as sports, changing rooms, and shelters. These issues are not “anti-trans” but are about recognizing that sometimes, sex-specific spaces are necessary to protect the rights and safety of women.
3. Crime Statistics: It is inaccurate and misleading to claim that 99.9% of sexual abuse is committed by cisgender biological men. Studies show that transgender individuals commit sexual crimes at similar rates to non-transgender individuals. This fact needs to be acknowledged to prevent the spread of harmful stereotypes and misinformation.
In a city that values tolerance and diversity, it is essential to foster an environment where all voices can be heard respectfully and safely. This includes recognizing the legitimate concerns of women who believe that sex matters in certain contexts and ensuring that discussions around these issues are conducted without intimidation or aggression.
1. Verbal violence is not violence. Almost every protest involves some sort of verbal fights between the groups.
2. These are all separate topics that require different approach. Safety in toilets and women’s sports are different types of problems. They are being anti-trans because they are singling out trans people as the main threat to their safety.
3. Yes, but I’m talking about Brighton, where trans population is much higher than average and yet there is almost never any sexual assaults committed by them. Also, again, if trans and cis commit the same number of sexual crime against women, then these women shouldn’t single out trans as a source of threat. And yet, their main focus is on trans.
@MS – Careful, your simplistic thinking is on show.
1. Verbal Violence: Shouting people down so they cannot speak is a form of violence and intimidation. It is not merely a verbal fight; it aims to silence others and stifle free speech. Such behavior is contrary to the principles of respectful dialogue and democratic engagement.
2. Clarification on Safety Concerns: No one at this protest ever claimed that trans people are the main threat to their safety. The focus is on the need for sex-specific spaces to ensure safety, privacy, and fairness. These are valid concerns and do not single out trans individuals but rather address the broader issue of biological differences.
3. Crime Statistics and Population: While Brighton may have a higher trans population compared to the national average, it is still not overwhelmingly high. The key issue is that individuals with a penis commit 99% of sexual assaults. Allowing people with a penis into women’s private spaces inevitably increases the risk of sexual assaults and rapes.
Why would anyone advocate for policies that increase the risk of sexual assault and rape? The safety and privacy of women must be prioritized, and this includes maintaining sex-segregated spaces where necessary.
You are a virtual piece of entertaining pixels, so your assessment of my thinking has no weight for me.
1. The protestors did nothing illegal. The speaker has no exclusive protection from noise created by other groups. This is not a fairytale world, where when you speak everyone shuts up. Next time they will rent an indoors space for better noise protection.
2. I had a very polite conversation with one of the ladies with leaflets at the protest and she literally said that she was ‘against trans people as a concept’. That is her literal words. The speaker is known specifically for anti-trans points of view, you can Google it.
3. So if a trans woman has no penis she is okay to enter women’s spaces? Or a trans man without penis?
@MS – I am here to show the world the idiocy of transgender ideology. As soon as it is held up to the light, like I am doing, more and more people realize the emperor has no clothes. This is time well spent.
1. Protestors’ Actions: The protestors did engage in illegal activities. Lawful protest is one thing, but violence and intimidation are another. The article clearly states that the police did not do their job adequately, and the fact that protestors wore masks is suspicious. Why the need to hide their identities?
2. Individual Opinions and Beliefs: One person’s opinion does not represent the entire movement. Many people do not believe that transgenderism is a valid concept, and this belief is protected by law. Humans cannot change sex, so they cannot truly be transsexual.
3. Safety in Women’s Spaces: A man without a penis poses a vastly smaller threat to women than one with a penis. Personally, I believe they should still be kept out of women’s changing rooms. Many women share this view, so why not let them decide?
Why do you want more rapes and sexual assaults? Is it so you can feel better about being an ally? Why do you hate women and girls?
1. If anyone did anything illegal they should be investigated and arrested. Shouting and cursing at someone is not illegal. “Intimidating” is a vague thing. Maybe you are intimidating for me. Wearing masks is not illegal in the UK, maybe they are worried about covid who knows.
2. Of course, but this was a person who worked for the group distributing leaflets during an event, so I take as they represent what this group stands for. Moreover, the speaker is clearly anti-trans, so it is generally likely that many who share her view are also anti-trans. Of course it is a valid belief that it is protected by law, so is the belief that holders of those beliefs are fascists.
3. If we are making this into a law or something, then there should be a clear definition. I give you a scenario: a biological woman who has masculine features walks into a ladies toilet. Please give an explanation of how is it going to be checked whether she is a biological woman or not?
4. I don’t hate women and girls. You were talking about the simplicity of my thinking and here you are accusing me of something out of thin air. First you must prove that allowing trans people into women’s spaces equates to more sexual assault, then we can talk whether I hate women or not.
@MS – 1. Intimidation and the Law: Violently shouting someone down is indeed intimidation. According to the definition, intimidation involves making someone afraid to express their views or take action. Shouting and cursing to silence someone fits this definition perfectly. Wearing masks may not be illegal, but it certainly adds to the intimidation factor. Here’s the definition for clarity:
• Intimidation: “The action of frightening or threatening someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something that you want them to do.” (Oxford Languages)
2. Anti-Trans Accusations: I still don’t see anyone being anti-trans. Saying that a man in a dress is still a man is not anti-trans; it’s a statement of biological fact. Believing that biological sex matters is not hate; it’s a recognition of reality. The speaker and attendees are advocating for the safety and rights of women, not expressing hatred towards trans individuals.
3. Sex-Segregated Spaces: We never needed a specific law to define who can access sexed toilets until now because it was understood based on biological sex. The need for such laws has arisen because some activists want to blur these clear boundaries. This issue was created by those who insist that self-identification overrides biological reality.
4. Safety of Women and Girls: If you support policies that increase the number of penises in women’s spaces, you must understand that this increases the risk of rape and sexual assault. It’s a simple fact that the presence of biological males in women’s spaces increases this risk. To deny this is to ignore reality and to endanger women and girls. By supporting these policies, you are prioritizing the feelings of a few over the safety of many, which is inherently misogynistic.
If you truly care about women and girls, you should be advocating for their safety and privacy, not for policies that put them at greater risk. It is essential to consider the real-world implications of these policies rather than being driven by ideology.
“Nobody hit anyone, honest – we merely brandished ‘flag poles’ the size of baseball bats while masked up to conceal our identity and screeching abuse through megaphones at a smaller group of middle-aged women – who we then followed away from the event to further threaten and intimidate”
So did anyone get hurt? Was there clear and proven intention to hurt these women? Did they follow them to hurt them? They specifically chose a pro LGBT city to run a political speech event in the middle of a park in the city center, very close to a known gay area. They called in a very controversial speaker to participate. It is only to be expected that some form of protest will take place. If they are so sensitive that a bunch of shouting makes them feel unsafe, then possibly they picked a wrong activity. Again – nothing illegal was done to them.
1) It is their right to show displease with the event, nothing personal, people are protesting the idea.
2) and 3) You will need to define what counts as “a man in a dress” if we are to continue this. Is a biological woman who looks like a 50 y.o fat hairy man and wearing – “a man in a dress” or can she access “women spaces”, because she is a biological woman? How will you be checking this? If a person who looks like a biological woman enters a women’s toilets, but she is claimed to be trans, will you check genitals and medical documents? You are not answering these kind of questions, for some reason.
4) Most of the sexual assaults happen on the streets and there is no data to prove that adding trans people to women’s spaces leads to more assaults. Many trans people have different hormonal background, different sexual orientation etc. Just because some trans people have a penis, high testosterone and they are heterosexual doesn’t mean they are more likely to sexually assault a woman. You will need data to prove all this wrong. For example, there are plenty of gender neutral toilets in the UK. Please find data that proves that these places are hotspots for sexual assault.
More penises in women’s spaces ipso facto more abuse and rape
unless you think trans people are less likely to assault women?
(they are not)
We’ve seen the footage.
Yes, most violence including sexual violence is committed by men. That’s why women want and need safe spaces away from men.
Oddly, Dawn, I was amongst the protesters and had horrible things thrown at me. Sotto voce, of course, so that it was missed by everyone else. They are not downtrodden saints, the one holding the rally.
Thank you for your comment. Let’s address your points directly:
If you were amongst the protesters and experienced hostility, that is indeed regrettable. However, it’s important to consider the overall context of the event.
Cowardice and Masks: Why were so many of the protesters, including possibly yourself, hiding their faces? What are you afraid of? If your cause is just, why not stand openly and proudly without masks?
Misogyny and Intimidation: Shouting down women, intimidating them, and trying to silence their voices is deeply misogynistic. Why do you feel the need to aggressively shout down women who are simply standing up for their rights and safety?
True Downtrodden Saints: The women at the rally have faced significant abuse and harassment. Labeling them as anything but victims of aggression in this context is disingenuous. They are advocating for their safety and privacy, which are legitimate concerns that deserve respect and serious consideration.
Your actions and the actions of those like you only serve to reinforce the perception that some activists are more interested in silencing women than in fostering genuine dialogue and understanding. If you truly believe in your cause, engage in respectful conversation without resorting to intimidation and harassment.
It’s time to reflect on your own actions and consider whether shouting down and silencing women is the right way to achieve your goals. The hostility and aggression displayed by the protesters only undermine their cause and perpetuate division.
Well said! It is so tedious and sickening to read the feeble excuses from people trying to justify the appalling behaviour of the masked morons, who clearly have a grievance against the protection and safety of women. And then they have the nerve to talk about transphobia.
@Paul – 1. Women Are Not Fascists: The women attending the Let Women Speak rally are not fascists. They are exercising their right to free speech and assembly to advocate for their rights and concerns, particularly regarding sex-segregated spaces. Equating these women with fascists is a gross mischaracterization.
2. Sex-Segregated Spaces: Wanting sex-segregated spaces and standing up for women’s rights is neither far-right nor hateful. These women are advocating for the safety, privacy, and dignity of females in specific contexts where biological sex is relevant, such as in shelters, changing rooms, and sports. These are legitimate concerns rooted in lived experiences and factual realities.
3. Misogyny and Historical Perspective: Forcing men’s views on what women should accept, and dismissing their concerns, is the ultimate form of misogyny. It undermines women’s autonomy and silences their voices. Respecting women’s rights to speak about their own experiences and needs is crucial for true equality and justice.
In advocating for your stance, consider the broader implications of silencing women’s voices and the importance of respectful dialogue. History will judge us by how we uphold the rights and dignity of all individuals, and ensuring women’s concerns are heard and respected is paramount.
There weren’t any violent men there and ordinary women meeting to discuss our rights aren’t fascists. Men dressed all in black with face masks and hoods weilding large thick poles aren’t of course.
Thank you for writing an accurate account with accurate language. Women came to speak about their rights, a mostly male mob, which you can hear on all the videos on Twitter, screamed abuse for two hours at these women speakers. What is it that makes these women hateful bigots and Nazi scum? What are they saying that is so controversial? They are saying they don’t want men who say they are women in their female only spaces, services and facilities. They want them to stay single sex not mixed sex. They are saying they want to keep children safe from gender identity ideology that teaches little girls if they like short hair and play football then they are really a boy. That these girls must obsess throughout their puberty about getting testosterone and slicing off their breasts instead of living their teenage years playing football. That these girls must be allies to muddle aged men who dress as women for erotic purposes. The women who attended are warriors, the police shamefully demonstrated two tier policing. Women are seen as ‘peaceful’ so not a threat the police therefore don’t treat this like two rival football teams they just allow the men to do what they like with as little intervention as possible. That is the risk assessment. It’s sexist pure and simple. If this is how we treat our women in Britain I’m ashamed to be British.
Disappointed to see that Brighton and Hove News has abandoned any pretense of impartiality here. I never thought the Argus would be the more progressive of Brighton’s news publications but I will be getting my news there from now on.
Sally – Reporting the News: The primary job of any news outlet, including Brighton and Hove News, is to report on events accurately and fairly. When trans rights activists bully and intimidate women, shouting them down while wearing masks, that behavior must be reported. Ignoring such actions would be a disservice to the truth and to the community.
Intimidation and Accountability: The actions of these activists, involving bullying and intimidation, are not only reprehensible but also criminal. Such behavior warrants police intervention and arrests, as there is no room for such tactics in a city that prides itself on tolerance and respect.
Tolerance and Misogyny: Brighton is known for its progressive and tolerant values. Shouting down and intimidating women, who make up 51% of the population, is antithetical to these values. I put it to you that defending such aggressive behavior is, in fact, misogynistic. Respectful dialogue and peaceful protest are the cornerstones of a progressive society, not bullying and intimidation.
The role of the media is to shine a light on all aspects of an event, and that includes highlighting any behavior that undermines the principles of tolerance and respect.
The Argus’s coverage of this event is risible. I suspect the editor will have received a lot of complaints.
Let’s hope IPSO does, too.
Impartiality from the Argus? Are you kidding?
Thank you for writing the truth about what happened, the tra mob are just a bunch of misogynistic men who love to scream at women who are just standing up
For their rights!
““Following the conclusion of the event, police took steps to ensure those leaving the event were separated from protesters as they left the area to avoid potential escalation.”
This did not happen, the police encouraged them to surge towards the area then they just stood aside and let them chase the women with the PA equipment.
We have a city full of trans people and yet 99.9% of sexual assault is committed by cisgender biological males. If you organise an event at which you promote literal segregation and special rights based on your biology, then don’t be surprised that you are called a fascist. Yes, it was ugly and people shouted insults at you, but you are not 5yo babies. You go to a rally that is considered controversial by the majority of this city, you get a controversial treatment. Was anyone hurt? No. Didn’t like what people said? Freedom of speech.
I don’t see many moderate trans people or their allies condemning the radical fringe that keeps making their movement look very unpleasant. See also the vicious hate campaign against JK Rowling, triggered by her very mild and not-at-all hateful initial comments on the subject.
Meanwhile the trans movement has put itself on the front line of the battle against freedom of speech, aggressively attempting to silence both online dissent and even women speaking in public, and it deserves to be firmly opposed for that reason alone.
Well, personaly I don’t agree with how this happens all the time, how these people choose to dress up for such events and I think this behaviour helps the far right cause only. I’m merely expressing my views, that:
1) Preventing trans people from accessing biological women’s toilets is a bit odd and has no basis.
2) If you come to give this kind of a speech in a pro-lgbt area then please be prepared for a protest.
3) Please do not cry later on, that “poor mid age women were intimidated by men”, there were tons of female protestors and these mid age ladies knew where they were going.
That’s all.
@MS – Allowing men to access women’s toilets is a dangerous policy with significant implications for the safety and privacy of women and girls. This issue is not about being anti-trans; it’s about recognizing the undeniable risks that come with opening sex-segregated spaces to individuals based on self-identification rather than biological sex.
Increased Risk of Sexual Assault: One of the most pressing concerns is the increased risk of sexual assault and harassment. Statistics show that the vast majority of sexual assaults are committed by males. Allowing biological males into women’s restrooms, regardless of their gender identity, inevitably increases the potential for such incidents. It’s a simple fact: more penises in women’s spaces translate to a higher risk of rape and sexual abuse. This isn’t speculation; it’s grounded in the harsh reality of crime statistics and human behavior.
Privacy Violations: Women and girls deserve the right to privacy in spaces designed for their use. Bathrooms, changing rooms, and shelters are places where privacy is paramount. Women should not have to fear that they might encounter a male-bodied individual in these vulnerable settings. The presence of males in these spaces, even those who identify as female, can create discomfort and violate the sense of security that women have fought hard to achieve.
Exploitation of Policies by Predators: While many trans individuals are not a threat, policies that allow self-identification without any checks can be easily exploited by predators. There have been numerous cases where men have taken advantage of such policies to gain access to women’s spaces with malicious intent. This is not a theoretical risk; it has happened and continues to happen. The safety of women and girls should never be compromised for the sake of political correctness.
Impact on Vulnerable Women: Women who have experienced trauma, especially those who are survivors of sexual violence, are particularly vulnerable. Forcing them to share intimate spaces with biological males can be retraumatizing and deeply distressing. These women have a right to spaces where they feel safe and protected from potential threats.
Legal and Social Ramifications: The push to allow men into women’s toilets also has broader legal and social ramifications. It blurs the clear, necessary distinctions between male and female spaces, leading to confusion and potential legal challenges. It undermines the progress made in women’s rights and safety over the past decades.
Protecting Women’s Rights: Feminism and the fight for women’s rights have always been about ensuring safety, equality, and respect for women. Allowing men into women’s toilets undercuts these efforts. It’s not about being exclusionary; it’s about protecting the hard-won rights of women to have their own safe spaces.
In conclusion, the policy of allowing men to access women’s toilets is fraught with danger. It increases the risk of sexual assault, violates women’s privacy, can be exploited by predators, retraumatizes vulnerable women, and undermines the progress made in women’s rights. The safety and privacy of women and girls must be prioritized, and this can only be ensured by maintaining sex-segregated spaces based on biological sex. This is not a matter of intolerance; it is a matter of common sense and protecting those who are most at risk.
1. Intimidation and Aggression: The behavior exhibited by many of the trans rights activists at the rally was not an example of free speech but rather intimidation. Covering their faces and aggressively shouting down women who were peacefully expressing their views is not how grown-ups should behave in a democratic society. This is not about exchanging ideas but about trying to silence others through fear and harassment.
2. Crime Statistics and Gender: The assertion that 99.9% of sexual assault is committed by cisgender males is misleading and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. In reality, crime statistics show that transgender individuals commit sexual crimes at comparable rates to non-transgender individuals. It’s essential to rely on accurate data rather than perpetuate misconceptions.
3. Biology and Safety: While gender identity should be respected, there are situations where biological sex matters. For instance, in certain sports or safety contexts, biological differences can have significant implications. Recognizing this is not about denying anyone’s identity but about acknowledging facts that sometimes biological realities must be considered.
The actions of the trans rights activists at this rally were not only disruptive but also crossed the line into bullying and intimidation. A mature, respectful dialogue is necessary to address the rights and concerns of all individuals, and such aggressive tactics only serve to shut down the possibility of constructive conversation.
The sexual assault committed is mainly against women, but somehow letting them speak was too much to bear for your comrades. Being a woman and speaking about the dangers that come with that is in no way Fascist. The irony is the Freedom of Speech you believe in, seems to end when women try and speak. Where does hurling insults get you, where does it end? You talk about the majority of the city with a complete lack of awareness that can only be described as child like. We don’t all agree with you, in fact the majority of Brighton isn’t even aware of you. We are too busy trying to live.
They can speak, no problem, nobody denies them the right. Others can protest their speech though, sorry, this is how it works. Also, if these women came here and spoke about sexual assault in general, nobody would protest. They single out trans people and that is the reason for the protest. Most people in Brighton support LGBT rights, at least this is according to statistics, so I don’t know what you are talking about and what your employment status has to do with this? Might be surprising, but I also have a job, wow.
Sorry, read “we are too busy trying to work”. Ignore the last bit of my comment about employment.
The anti-fascists/TRA singled out the women. That’s because anti-fascists/TRAs are aggressive, abusive and cowardly misogynists. It was there for anyone to see.
Anti-fascist/TRAs never single out groups of men. Ever. That’s because anti-fascists/TRAs are aggressive, abusive and cowardly misogynists. Its absence is there for all to see.
Not in our city.
They are not singling out “trans people”.They are protesting against the possibility of men in drag being given the freedom and opportunity to sexual abuse or even rape them.
In any case why can’t a man in drag should use a men’s toilet instead of a woman’s.
Like freedom of hate speech?
You speak for “the majority of the city”. How do you know? Have you spoken to all of them and listened to all of them? It is a very large city, has been for ages. It wasn’t full, for example, of race gangs last century. My relatives lived down the hill from the races, and never came across a guy with a razor. It wasn’t full of men seeking evidence for a divorce, either, or fences getting rid of stolen goods in the Lanes. It was full of ordinary people doing ordinary things, and it still is. Just because a small community of people of unusual and unscientific views has moved in doesn’t mean they possess the place and get to shut everyone else up
I would not normally comment but feel the need to here. Standing up for the rights of women should never be an issue that needs opposing. However P. Parker is Far Right and should never be leading any conversation geared towards the protection of women. Letting her speak as though she leads any of us is a mistake and as a result brings out some of the most abhorrent groups of people who hide behind the banner of Trans Rights. As an Anti-Fascist I’m sad to see the space given to people such as Butler and P. Parker. Both have rancid views and neither should be accepted on either side of the fence. It’s shameful that this is accepted and promoted at a time when we should be having an open debate in order to make progress.
@DM – No Platforming people is never, ever acceptable in a democratic society. bad ideas die in the light and they fester in the darkness.
For you to say a woman is not allowed to stand up and say she is a woman, is abhorrent.
It does not matter if you agree with them. You fight to the death for them to speak.
Read my comment and try again.
“However P. Parker is Far Right and should never be leading any conversation geared towards the protection of women”
AKA – I don’t like what you say and you should not be allowed to say it. You support silencing people you don’t like. I get it. Most weak cowards do.
She is Far Right. You may be comfortable letting her speak on behalf of women and our rights and that is your prerogative. Just understand that to me and many others she is repellent, she does not represent most women in any way and just like Farage/Tommy Robinson/Laurence Fox- brings out the worst in her opposition. You can call me as many names as you like. It just marks you out as the same as the very people you claim to oppose. In some ways you probably deserve each other. Neither group able to debate, just reaching for insults and obscenities like children.
@DM – it does not matter if you think someone is far right – though in my mind, far Right is gas chambers and Eugenics, not women who speak their mind. You seem more delicate than me perhaps?
The point – if you need it spelling out to you – is that as soon as there is a choice about who CAN speak, you do not have freedom of speech. You are silencing women because you don’t like what they say, and trying to smear them by calling them far right. Ironically, this discussion we are having right now – is free speech. You think one thing, I think another, we both are talking about it. Happy days.
You need to put more effort in on this “Far Right” position you endlessly hold. You’ve clearly not brought anyone along with this. You’ve been asked to show evidence of this, and your only evidence is “Google”. KJK is a woman who won’t shut up, and that’s the obvious reason you keep attacking her. That’s what the evidence you have provided here shows.
What stops you being tolerant of women speaking. Many women speak at LWS events, why don’t you comment on what they’re talking about?
Just at a time when women are finally getting close to achieving equal rights, men find a manipulative way, by assuming the identity of women, to once again gain the upper hand and put women back into a powerless position.
Do not be fooled as to what this really is. This is men cynically using the protection of ‘rights’ to inflict continued suppression of women in society. Whether it’s Mahsa Amini in Iran, or our women in Brighton, it’s the same.
Trans-gender, instead of becoming ordinary, has been hijacked and become toxic. What a tragedy.
Possibly if transgender people were just left alone and not assumed to be rapists the moment they enter a woman’s bathroom, they would have a need to protest such events.
Thank you for your comment. It’s essential to address a few key points directly and clearly:
1. Concerns About Safety: The primary concern is not about assuming transgender people are rapists but about ensuring the safety and privacy of women in spaces like bathrooms. The reality is that allowing individuals with male anatomy into women’s spaces increases the risk of sexual assault, as the vast majority of such crimes are committed by males. This is about protecting vulnerable women and girls, not about targeting transgender individuals.
2. Need for Safe Spaces: Women advocating for sex-segregated spaces are not driven by hate or prejudice but by genuine concerns for their safety, privacy, and dignity. Many of these women have experienced trauma and need spaces where they feel secure. This need should be respected and taken seriously.
3. Respectful Dialogue: It’s crucial to have a respectful and informed dialogue about these issues. Assuming that concerns about safety are baseless or rooted in prejudice does not help. Instead, we need to recognize and address the legitimate fears and experiences of women.
4. Finding Solutions: The goal should be to find solutions that protect the rights and safety of everyone, including both women and transgender individuals. This requires open, honest conversations where all sides are heard and considered.
By understanding and addressing these concerns, we can work towards a more inclusive and safe environment for everyone. It’s not about assuming the worst but about taking practical steps to ensure safety and respect for all.
Narcissistic “look at me, I’m special” bunch the lot of you, you’re the one making this about “trans”.
Women are endlessly articulating that they need protection from dangerous men, that this is the law, there are consequences for women daily because these laws are not enforced which leads to dangerous men attacking women.
The reaction from loads of narcissistic, immature, low grade men is to scream at them for hours and chase them through our town.
It really is time to stop this abuse, this really is not about trans, this about dangerous men abusing women. And Sunday showed how bad this is. Shameful behaviour. In our city.
I’m just going to clarify something for you before I leave. Far-Right views are always going to be abhorrent to me. Just for clarity, Far-Right views like Parker and Le Pen and Farage and Fox are often no longer about about Gas Chambers, maybe do a little reading and educate yourself as to what Far Right views pertain to in modern day terms. Also, delicacy has nothing to do with my politics and I am in no way silencing anyone, in fact I basically told you whatever floats your boat is up to you.
Just don’t complain when your support of a Rancid Far-Right Troll is opposed by Rancid Far Left Trolls. You need to remember that your Free Speech is also theirs.
Seems to me you are all well matched.
Genuine question- what part of the speeches at the Let Women Speak event were far right extremism? I couldn’t hear all that well from the footage because their voices were being drowned out by those men in masks.
Anything to the right of DM, is far right of course. Just as anyone who does not agree is a fascist.
Hope those petty little insults you dish out so easily help you get through your day. Never ever wonder why the discourse on this subject is so toxic when your own commentary only seeks to add fuel to a raging flame. The fantasy notion of women rights versus Antifa only adds more hilarity to this sad little charade.
It’s Fascists vs Fascists and nothing in between.
Let us know when your next scream-fest will take place so we can all seek to head elsewhere and avoid it.
Your comment misses the point entirely. The issue here is not about petty insults or fueling toxicity but about ensuring that women’s voices and concerns are heard without being drowned out by aggressive counter-protests.
Women’s Rights Matter: Dismissing the legitimate concerns of women as a “fantasy notion” shows a lack of understanding and respect for the real issues at stake. Women have the right to discuss their safety, privacy, and the need for sex-segregated spaces without being labeled as fascists or having their concerns trivialized.
Discourse and Intimidation: The toxic discourse you mention is often perpetuated by those who resort to shouting down and intimidating women who speak up. It’s essential to recognize that respectful dialogue is the way forward, not aggression or dismissal.
Misrepresentation: Characterizing this as “Fascists vs Fascists” is an oversimplification that ignores the genuine fears and needs of women. Many women attending these events have experienced harassment and assault and are advocating for spaces where they can feel safe.
Avoiding the Issue: Suggesting that people should avoid these events rather than engage in meaningful discussion is a cop-out. If you genuinely care about reducing toxicity and finding solutions, you should be willing to listen and engage constructively.
Women’s rights and safety are not a charade, and the issues they raise deserve serious consideration. It’s time to move past the name-calling and focus on fostering a respectful, informed dialogue where all voices can be heard.
Could you show me an example of anything Posie Parker has ever said that is “far right”?
Google her Far Right alliances and defence of Bigotry including Tommy Robinson, Islamaphobia and the the Neo-Nazi’s who support her. If it talks like Fascism and is supported by Fascism then guess what…
I believe women’s voices are being drowned out by angry and protective misguided young people and a toxic ideology that has Trans Rights groups protecting anyone who identifies as Trans including serious predators of women.
However I also believe the Far Right have hijacked the voice of women rights for their own ends and Parker is one of them. Neither side will bring progress and neither side wants that.
Done that, nothing came back. You’re making this up and you’re rubbish at it. Women’s rights and women cannot be far right, if that was true at 50% of our population would be far right. That would also mean all transwomen are far right too by your own logic. Which means you’re a fascist.
I did find loads of examples where dangerous men have attacked women. Loads. Endlessly. Going back years and years and years. This is shameful.
So grow a pair, listen to women, and step up.
I want to add. Your logic is all over the place. Try and take a deep breath next time and focus. Just this sentence alone, should give you pause for thought.
“That would also mean all transwomen are far right too by your own logic. Which means you’re a fascist.”
Well, if being opposed to any form of violent treatment towards women makes one “Far Right”, then I am proud to be “Far Right”.
Looking at the photo of the ‘so called’ counter demonstrators dressed like Nazi storm=troopers clearly shows who are the fascist here – Why are they scared to reveal their identity?
It’s antifa, they always do that usually because they don’t want to be found later and killed/beaten up by far-right. Even if it’s not a risk anymore, this is how it used to be in the past and this became their traditional clothing for protests. I also think it’s dumb, but they are free to do so in this country. Also, just so you know, most of the protestors didn’t wear masks at all. If you were there you saw it yourself.
All of the TRAs in the videos are wearing masks.
None of let women speak are.
Also the law has been changed so you’re not allowed to wear the masks at protests.
Well, police has powers to prosecute those who wear masks, but it’s not illegal to be around a protest in a mask. Please simply don’t make assumptions from a video, there were hundreds of protestors, most did not wear masks. I saw it myself, because I was there, so…
I was there, there’ll weren’t hundreds of protesters. There was about 150 masked up cowards screaming at 40 middle aged women talking in a public park.
Cowards who wouldn’t show their faces. Because they know no one in this country supports their position.
I brought my 7 year old daughter to the counter protest because she is concerned about the threats that trans people face in society. One of the people attending the “Let Women Speak” event told her to “p*ss off” and called her a “handmaiden”. Personally I do not think that is in the spirit of letting women speak.
Please tell us more things from the land of make believe?
I’m genuinely shocked and find it hard to believe that anyone would bring a 7-year-old child to a counter-protest, especially one marked by such tension and aggression. Children should be shielded from such volatile environments, not thrust into them.
Bringing a young child into such a situation, where emotions are running high and confrontations are likely, is irresponsible. It exposes them to potential harm and adult conflicts they are not equipped to handle or understand. Moreover, using a child to make a political statement is troubling and raises questions about the true motives behind attending the protest.
The primary issue here remains the safety and rights of women, who are fighting to have their voices heard without being shouted down or intimidated. The behavior of some trans rights activists, who resort to bullying and aggressive tactics, undermines the very cause they claim to support.
Let’s focus on creating a respectful and safe environment for dialogue, where everyone’s rights are protected, and children are not used as pawns in adult disputes.
I am also entirely convinced that your daughter has never said a word about transgender people that you did not put in there.
Notably, you have nothing to say about the men, who shouted down women, and did not let them speak, why not?
My child was verbally abused and you are calling me a liar, irresponsible and using her to make a political statement. Thought you care about letting women speak whoever you are. Was not using her to make a statement, she wanted to go to the counter protest and I accompanied her. The Let Women Speak people were being aggressive to my daughter so why are you changing the subject to the counter protesters. If you care about letting women speak you should let All women speak including me and my daughter.
This debate is so toxic an aggressive you might consider keeping a 7 year old out of it, no matter what she has requested. I’m glad she is okay.
Thank you for your reply. I am indeed letting you speak, and I am addressing your concerns directly.
Firstly, if your daughter was verbally abused, that is entirely unacceptable and should not happen in any circumstance. However, by bringing your daughter to such a charged event and then mentioning her in your comment, it is clear you are using her presence to make a political statement. If that were not the case, you wouldn’t have felt the need to highlight her involvement.
Secondly, it is highly unlikely that a 7-year-old independently expressed concerns about transphobia without significant influence. Children at that age typically reflect the beliefs and concerns of the adults around them. It seems more plausible that your daughter’s opinions have been shaped and perhaps even directed by your own views.
I am not changing the subject; I am addressing the core issue. The “Let Women Speak” event is about allowing women to express their concerns and views, particularly regarding the importance of sex-segregated spaces for safety and privacy. Your focus on your daughter’s presence and supposed verbal abuse is deflecting from the real discussion about women’s rights and safety.
In conclusion, while everyone, including you and your daughter, should have the right to speak, it is essential to recognize the broader context and the primary issues at hand. Let’s not lose sight of the importance of ensuring that all women can speak freely and safely, without the threat of intimidation or aggression from any side.
The last time I looked Men, Women, Straight, Gay, Trans of ever different Race, Religion and political persuasion have the same rights, privileges and responsibility under the laws of this country.
This is not about ‘Rights’ its about Respect for those REAL things that make us different.
Men who pretend to be women and DEMAND to be SPECIAL have NO RESPECT for Women..
Those who use Violence and Intimidation, for whatever cause, are breaking the Law and can expect NO Respect form the rest of society.
This 👆
Just goes to show what a bunch of loons there are in Brighton Hove. Unfortunately, the greens invited all this kind of nonsense in and it’ still persists even after they’ve been chucked out of power. We don’t hate trans people we just refuse to indulge them in their fantasy. They want to wear a dress, if they want to mutilate themselves fine, but do it in your own expense not on the NHS and don’t expect us to say that you’re a woman even if that’s what’s inside your head.
The police elected to kettle the women and allowed the aggressive, masked men to roam free to continue their intimidation and harassment – with a known violent offender in their midst.
The police should have restrained the people abusively intimidating and harassing the women in the street and ensured the women could walk free. The people trapped in the shop should not have been removed – the aggressors should have been.
The women were open, unmasked and honest about standing for women’s rights. They were drowned out by masked men who want to silence anyone who doesn’t place undefined gender identities above universal, material reality.
It’s shocking that Brighton has become a place of misogyny & intolerance where yell to remove women from “our streets” for simply asserting that women exist. More so that the police enabled misogyny in the open.
The so called trans activists do so much damage to the cause. Dressed like thugs, faces covered, hurling abuse aggressively at women – basically doing everything possible to give trans people a bad reputation and to give people reason to be transphobic. You must be incredibly stupid.
What I would say to those quite rightly offended by the trans activists is that they do not represent most trans people, who are often vulnerable individuals in need of love and support. Please try to separate the two groups and don’t push your hate to real trans people…
Disgusting that these men were allowed to intimidate these women in this way and the police did very little to stop it happening. At a minimum they should have been told to remove their masks. I wish I had known about this protest as many women I know would have gone along to it.