A new video documents the first phase of the changing face of Brighton’s Lewes Road to make it more accessible for cyclists and buses.
Dedicated to the memory of Jo Walters, who died after being hit by a lorry on the road in 2010, it explains how the new cycle lanes have made journeys by bike much safer and pleasant.
The video was produced by BiteSize Movies for the Lewes Road Campaign for Clean Air.
I wish cyclists were as considerate of other road users, as they expect everybody else to be of cyclists. Lucky people who live within cycling distance of work. From a pedestrian fed up with being the lowest of the low on the road, why is it ok for cyclists to run red lights and ignore pedistrians crossings?
Great video and well done to Duncan Blinkhorn and many others who have pushed and cajoled over the years to improve the Lewes Rd for bikes and buses against strong, entrenched opposition by a minority.