Follow the Brighton Marathon live.
Our team reporting live are Brighton Journalist Works students Isabella Cipirska, Thomas Rush, Becky Snowden and Frances Solomon, with tutor and journalist Sarah Booker Lewis managing the stream.
2.31pm: Sunday, 17 April
Foil blankets are a must wear after 26 miles on the road.
#BrightonMarathon finishers wrapped up and heading for the blue skies and beaches. Well earned. pic.twitter.com/rEnyedzO5o
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
2.24pm: Sunday, 17 April
The crowds are thinning out now five hours after the first mass start.
2.20pm: Sunday, 17 April
The clean-up is underway along the first 13 miles. Runner fans are still cheering.
2.13pm: Sunday, 17 April
There are huge crowds at the finish.
Still absolutely heaving on the home straight. Excellent support for the #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/HRKqZMJmFo
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
1.58pm: Sunday, 17 April
Madeira Drive is where everyone wants to be now.
Sun's out for all the stalls down at #BrightonMarathon seeing a lot of love for #BrightonHeroes @bisonbeer pic.twitter.com/jilCxF0XGz
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
1.56pm: Sunday, 17 April
It is great to see people willing to spend hours waiting to support their runner.
1.52pm: Sunday, 17 April
Runners heading into the final two miles at Hove Lawns.
1.50pm Sunday, 17 April
There is great support for all the runners today.
1.45pm: Sunday, 17 April
This runner is at the 13 mile marker. He is at the back but halfway there.
1.40pm: Sunday, 17 April
There’s plenty of noisy support along the way.
1.35pm: Sunday, 17 April
These runners have just one mile.
1.31pm: Sunday, 17 April
These runners have just two miles to go now.
1.30pm: Sunday, 17 April
It is very busy now at the finishing line.
Village at the end of #BrightonMarathon full of runners and supporters alike pic.twitter.com/aaS5otyBcp
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
1.15pm: Sunday, 17 April
Supporters help raise runners’ spirits.
1.13pm: Sunday, 17 April
The Rhino runner is in Hove.
1.10pm: Sunday, 17 April
On a sunny day a costume like this must be hot.
This runner for Samaritans has to have strong shoulders.
1pm: Sunday, 17 April
These runners can take comfort knowing they are on the home stretch.
12.59pm: Sunday, 17 April
A steady stream of runners are reaching the finish now.
Charity runners on the home straight. #BrightonMarathon pic.twitter.com/HEVIFR8aRZ
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
12.47pm: Sunday, 17 April

The women’s results are:
1. Grace Momanyi, 2:34:16
2. Asnakech Mengistu, 2:35:42
3. Peninah Wanjiru, 2:42:38.
12.38pm: Sunday, 17 April
What a hero to take part in the marathon in firefighters’ breathing apparatus.
12.35pm: Sunday, 17 April
It is busy on both sides of Kingsway now, as experienced runners hit the home stretch while the masses head west.
12.30pm: Sunday, 17 April
Great costumes add to the fun.
Along with great support from the crowds lining the street.
12.25pm: Sunday, 17 April
The stream of runners is constant going up Grand Avenue.
12.22pm: Sunday, 17 April
A trumpeter entertains the runners along Grand Avenue, Hove.
12.12pm: Sunday, 17 April
Thomas Rush interviews Bracknell Forest Runners Jeremy Hall, Kendra Hall, Cindy Holland and Patrick Slaughter were at the finishing line to cheer on Adam Cracknell who completed the course in 2:39:50.
Bracknell Forest Runners supporting Adam Cracknell, their #BrightonHero at the #BrightonMarathon pic.twitter.com/Tg53ytbonm
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
2.39.50 Adam Cracknell, Bracknell forest runners at #BrightonMarathon #BrightonHero pic.twitter.com/jaqv5T1wd7
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
12.07pm: Sunday, 17 April
Women’s race winner Grace Momanyi in the home stretch. She won in a time of 2:34:15
12.05pm Sunday, 17 April
As the professional and club runners make it to the finish line, the masses are being cheered along the seafront and into Hove.
11.55am Sunday, 17 April
Thomas Roach is the first non-elite runner finishing in 2:27:35.
He is running for Sussex Wildlife Trust. On his Thomas Roach’s Just Giving page he vowed to run as fast as possible.
Thomas Roach 2:27:35 #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/4xlWl3xne2
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
11.52 am Sunday, 17 April
1. Duncan Maiyo
2. Raymond Chemungor
3. Edwin Kiptoo
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2016 winners! Elite runners Duncan Maiyo in 1st Raymond Chemungor in 2nd Edwin Kiptoo in 3rd pic.twitter.com/wIrVuG4vSd
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
11.47am Sunday, 17 April
Brighton Marathon confirms a course best for reigning champion Duncan Maiyo. The Kenyan beat his 2015 winning time by 19 seconds.
Duncan Maiyo reigning champion wins again in 2016 in 02:09:56 beating his previous time! pic.twitter.com/DlQl7MXmMU
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
11.39am Sunday, 17 April
Runners are now streaming down Grand Avenue, Hove.
Reporter Becky Snowden shared these photographs.
11.28am Sunday, 17 April
Live streat: Duncan Mayio wins, just missing the course record with his time of 2:09:54.
LIVE on #Periscope: #BrightonMaraton finish line. Going for a record ! https://t.co/wvF9NdjSp8
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
11.25am Sunday, 17 April
The race leader Duncan Mayio passes the West Pier
11.23 am Sunday, 17 April
Nearly at the West Pier. Could we see a course record today?
Duncan Mayio is flying with 4:44 & 4:41 last two miles. 40km in 2:03:23 (15:03 5km split) #BrightonMarathon pic.twitter.com/TvV03wGbBz
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
11.20am Sunday, 17 April
It’s tiring watching as reporter Thomas Rush discovered at the Brighton Marathon Village.
#BrightonMarathon village filling up. Relaxing in typical Brighton way! @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/m0Q3bNN1dY
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
11.13am Sunday, 17 April
Save the Rhino runners are a marathon fixure in their heavy costumes.
I THINK RHINO THAT GUY! #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/abypMd5GKx
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
11.11am Sunday, 17 April
No turning now for the elite runners. It’s straight to Madeira Drive as they head back along Basin Road South.
4 left in lead pack through 35km 1:48:20(15:47 5km) Defending champion Duncan Maiyo wearing 1 leads & starts to push pic.twitter.com/OeWNtY7bwV
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
11.10am Sunday, 17 April
Now the main pack are passing the West Pier with huge support from the crowds lining the route.
11.04am Sunday, 17 April
The elite men are setting a blistering pace now as they head towards Shoreham Harbour.
30km 1:32:33 (15:24) 10secs inside CR pace & just after the 2 pace makers have stepped off. The race has started!!!! pic.twitter.com/xUeqIbDozU
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
11am Sunday, 17 April
They made it to the end. BM10 runners dressed as trainers raising money for Cancer Research UK.
Natasha Simons and friends from Oxford #bm10k for @CR_UK @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/dr2QwdbsyD
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
10.55am Sunday, 17 April
Men and women’s elite runners are setting a fast pace.
Elite women Wanjiru, Momanyi & Mengistu heading towards 25km with great pacing by Neil Boniface #BrightonMarathon pic.twitter.com/OymTO9IEsz
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
25km:77:09 (15:35 last 5km) 9secs inside CR pace.Great job by the pacers & now we need the crowds 2 bring them home! pic.twitter.com/yi5LJSl1pj
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
10.40am Sunday, 17 April
Family and friends cheering people on.
Reporter Tom Rush caught up with Beth Evans’ family
Sandra, Sarah, Michael and Colin Evans cheering #BrightonHero Beth Evans running the #BrightonMarathon for @TheBHF pic.twitter.com/XyztGtBbf9
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
10.37am Sunday, 17 April
Inspiring scenes from reporter Tom Rush based in Gloucester Place.
#BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/FC7fHioiWz
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
10.33am Sunday, 17 April
Keep an eye out for Dave Cooper from Ashford in Kent. As well as running with a full pack, he is doing 26 reps of different exercises at each mile.
He is running for veterans’ charity Combat Stress.
10.25am Sunday, 17 April
Vicki Patel and friends are BM10 runners dressed as Thomas the Tank engine characters to raise money for Chestnut Tree House.
Vicki Patel and friends fundraising for Chestnut Tree House children's hospice #bm10k @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/Y5gdMYtCV7
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
10.25am Sunday, 17 April
The Brighton Marathon scooter and Mini motorcade is heading into Hove.
10.20am Sunday, 17 April
There are so many great and inspiring stories behind every runner.
How we wish we could interview them all as they speed past.
This group are running the BM10 making their way along the home stretch.
10.17am Sunday, 17 April
There are some great costumes at today’s marathon and BM10.
Getting prehistoric at #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/ocJruDV4RU
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
10.12am Sunday, 17 April
Meanwhile in Madeira Drive, the BM10K runners are collecting their medals.
Sara Snood from Brighton #bm10k @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/FP6xDG8ngK
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
Collecting medals and goodie bags at the end #bm10k pic.twitter.com/lPIhTNXpA2
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
10.08am Sunday, 17 April
The last runners are leaving Preston Park.
10am Sunday, 17 April
Breast Cancer Care has 400 runners raising money today.
Kate Pearse talks to Frances Solomon as the charity has volunteers out in force to cheer their team on.
9.55am Sunday, 17 April
Becky Snowden reporters official race starter Zoe Ball high-fived runners as they set off.
9.52am Sunday, 17 April
Thousands are running past St Peter’s Church now, as everyone has started the Brighton Marathon.
Always said running was good for the heart #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/4j211KzhN1
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
Absolutely rammed #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/yy2vhDpnGG
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
LIVE on #Periscope: #BrightonMarathon at St Paul's church https://t.co/1FWhI72kfz
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
9.42am Sunday, 17 April
BM10 winners
- Adam Hickey 29:02:960
- Jonny Tayor 29:11:930
- Paul Martelletti 29:28:290
- Gemma Steel 34:10:710
- Martha Coyle 36:10:71
- Izzy Coomber 36:34:94.
9.36am Sunday, 17 April
The massed runners are heading down York Place now.
#BrightonMarathon first of the bunch! @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/XNL44wtCru
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
9.34am Sunday, 17 April
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: First woman home Gemma Steel speaks with Isabella Cipirska at the finishing line.
She completed the course in 34 minutes and ten seconds.
Gemma Steel Interview #bm10k pic.twitter.com/TWZStpRXXi
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
9.30am Sunday, 17 April
Fun runners are starting in five waves from Preston Park.
The first at 9.15am and the last group at 9.45am.
Reporter Becky Snowden is watching them go.
9.27am Sunday, 17 April
The Brighton Marathon parade heads down York Place in front of the runners.
The Brighton Job. Procession of Minis at #BrightonMarathon round the Steine. @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/bKgqk1EfLg
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
Not sure riding a Vespa is in the rules #BrightonMarathon @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/7S3YInEYEk
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
9.25am Sunday, 17 April
9.22am Sunday, 17 April
This weekend runners have raised more than £35million for their chosen charities.
Reporter Tom Rush spoke with Katie Glendenning running for MACS.
After running the London Marathon last year Katie Glendenning is a #BrightonHero running #BrightonMarathon for MACS pic.twitter.com/C9Y4o1V2zS
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
9.16am Sunday, 17 April
BM10 winner is Adam Hickey who completed the course in 29 minutes and six seconds.
Second home was Johnny Taylor.
9.15am Sunday, 17 April
Still a way to go for these BM10 runners.
#BM1OK #BrightonMarathon Passing the pavilion. Not a cloud in sight. @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/3DGRyoGe6X
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
9.10am Sunday, 17 April
First runners heading towards the finishing line.
Nearly there #bm10k pic.twitter.com/kmRdhuYp7S
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
Here they come #bm10k @bhcitynews pic.twitter.com/Bdv5yWq3rh
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
Cheering near the finish line #bm10k pic.twitter.com/NuH2Yh4CXJ
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
9.10am Sunday, 17 April
The first BM10 runners are along the seafront.
9am Sunday, 17 April
Reporter Thomas Rush caught the first BM10 runners heading down York Place and back up to the Level.
First 10k runners of #BrightonMarathon passing St Peters church pic.twitter.com/JOZ06C2NKo
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
#BM10K #BrightonMarathon pic.twitter.com/9bh5wCKugq
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
Cheering on the #BM10K #BrightonMarathon at Old Steine pic.twitter.com/FVpGqe77Yn
— Tom Rush (@TomRushh) April 17, 2016
8.55am Sunday, 17 April
And coming up to old steine #bm10k pic.twitter.com/vfkNvZzJaR
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
8.50am Sunday, 17 April
Great conditions for BM10 runners as they make their way down North Street.
#bm10k coming down north street pic.twitter.com/IL7S0nujpd
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
8.45am Sunday, 17 April
Reporter Isabella Cipirska had a great view of BM10 runners heading down North Street.
#bm10k coming down north street pic.twitter.com/5mSPLsQk8U
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
8.38am Sunday, 17 April
The BM10 runners are off.
.@BM_10k looking good! #bm10k pic.twitter.com/okUdS1Hln4
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
8.33am Sunday, 17 April
Students from Hurstpierpoint College are at the Peace Statue ready to hand out drinks to thirsty runners and cheer them on.
Frances Solomon spoke with volunteer Zoe Foye.
8.15am Sunday, 17 April
Becky Snowden is speaking to runners at the start in Preston Park
Sabine from Burgess Hill is running her first 10k today after joining a running club this year.
Andy from Wokingham wants to do better this year.
8.10am Sunday, 17 April
Reporter Frances Solomon is based on the seafront in the Hove Lawns area today, where preparations are underway before the first runners come by.
8.04am Sunday, 17 April
A first time runner raising money for ABC Animal Sanctury in West Chiltington, she was told she would not run again after breaking her back in 2013.
8.02am Sunday, 17 April
7.55am Sunday, 17 April
Reporter Isabella Cipirska is based along Madeira Drive for the duration.
Volunteers are busy setting up for the first arrivals in a couple of hours.
Clear blue skies as Brighton sets up for the #BrightonMarathon pic.twitter.com/hne8DTuRS3
— Isabella Cipirska (@ICipirska) April 17, 2016
7.45am Sunday, 17 April
Reporter Becky Snowden is at Preston Park where the first runners are arriving.
7.18am Sunday, 17 April
And a special mention to the weather gods this morning! Thank you! #brightonmarathon #brighton #bm10k pic.twitter.com/SRuEe18oOk
— Brighton Marathon Weekend (@BrightonMarathn) April 17, 2016
7.15am Sunday, 17 April
It is a bright but cold start for runners taking part in the Brighton Marathon today.
The temperature is 2C and expected to increase to 10C by lunchtime.
Despite the sunshine early this morning cloud is expected by 8am, bringing better conditions for runners.
Our team reporting live are Brighton Journalist Works students Isabella Cipirska, Thomas Rush, Becky Snowden and Frances Solomon, with tutor and journalist Sarah Booker Lewis managing the stream.
Special mention for marathon runners Tracy Woodward (the Barnsley Terrier)and Steph Allen from Sheffield. It’s Steph’s first marathon. Good luck both.
Fab pics they done well but can I ask why there are pics of the runners on hasting road and Lewes road Brighton they run right past my house it’s fab we all get up in street to watch I know it’s the back streets of Brighton but would be fab to show the run and show notice
Hi Lisa
We have a limited number of people on the ground so key areas are covered for maximum impact. These are: start, finish, Old Steine and St Peter’s Church and along the seafront.
We want to get as many runners as possible, and these points along the way have two or even three streams of participants. Reporters also need to move quickly to react to anything happening.
As lovely as it would be to take pictures of runners along Hastings Road and Lewes Road, they are out on a limb and we need to use our resources effectively.
Sarah (live story manager)