A fire at a flat in Brighton which broke out in the early hours of the morning is being investigated by police.
Firefighters were called at 3.10am to the block in Sussex Street where smoke was billowing out of the windows of a flat on the ground floor.
Nobody was in the flat when the fire broke out, but one person was treated for smoke inhalation by paramedics at the scene.
A police spokesman said: “Police are investigating after a fire broke out at a flat in Sussex Street, Brighton, in the early hours of Friday (20 September).
“East Sussex Fire and Rescue attended the fire at about 3.15am which caused extensive damage to the property. No one was in the flat at the time and no one was hurt.
“Police want to hear from any witnesses who saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area or have any information about the fire.
“Report online or ring 101 quoting serial 131 of 20/09.”

Police were still on the scene this lunchtime, with the area around the flat cordoned off.
A spokeswoman for East Sussex Fire and Rescue said: “Brighton firefighters attended a residential property on Sussex Street, Brighton following reports of a fire.
“Crews used foam, breathing apparatus and a hose reel jet to extinguish a fire in a ground floor flat.
“One resident was handed over in to the care of SECAMB after suffering from smoke inhalation.”