Turkish security forces have arrested a wanted man from Brighton and Hove, according to Cumhuriyet, one of the country’s main daily newspapers.

Joshua Toussaint, 27, formerly of Western Road, Brighton, and Brunswick Place, Hove, was “detained in the Muratlı district of Tekirdağ on suspicion of being an irregular immigrant”.
The newspaper said that he was a missing man but Toussaint is wanted on a warrant not backed for bail issued by Brighton magistrates in July last year.
The warrant was issued for “failing to comply with the supervision requirements imposed following release from a period of imprisonment”.
Toussaint was jailed for six months in November 2020 for having a kitchen knife in public in Western Road, Brighton.
He was originally arrested near Mitre House, in Western Road, late on Sunday 24 May 2020 during the first national coronavirus lockdown.
At Brighton Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 26 May 2020, Toussaint was remanded on unconditional bail until Friday 10 July 2020.
At the time the court said that the case was being adjourned “in order to comply with government guidelines on social distancing”.
Toussaint was told: “We are postponing all non-urgent work. Your case will be adjourned until Friday 10 July 2020 and your bail will be extended.”
But he failed to turn up at court and, on Tuesday 14 July, Brighton magistrates issued a warrant not backed for bail.
Toussaint was arrested and appeared at Brighton Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday 21 July 2020 when he denied breaching bail but was convicted.
The magistrates granted him conditional bail until Thursday 22 October, with a requirement to report to the police station in John Street, Brighton, once a week – every Wednesday.
He was then arrested on Friday 18 September 2020 for breaching his bail condition, having failed to turn up at the police station when required.
On Saturday 19 September he was convicted of breaching bail again and remanded in custody.
On Thursday 22 October he was convicted of having a kitchen knife in public and on Monday 2 November he was sentenced by magistrates.

They jailed Toussaint for six months for having a knife in public – and for breaching bail he was jailed for 14 days to be served concurrently, making six months in total.
He was also ordered to pay £250 towards the prosecution costs and a £128 victim surcharge, making £378 in total.
When Toussaint was released from prison, he was required to remain under supervision but failed to do so, Brighton magistrates were told.
As a result of skipping his supervision appointments, he was summonsed to appear in court on Wednesday 14 July last year.
But Toussaint failed to appear in court again to answer a charge that he had “failed without reasonable excuse to comply with the supervision requirements imposed following release from a period of imprisonment”.
The court was told that Toussaint “failed to comply with the post-sentence supervision requirement (to) keep in touch with your supervisor in accordance with any instructions given by your supervisor”.
Toussaint failed to attend two appointments in person and one by phone in April and May last year, it was claimed.
The court was also told: “Mr Toussaint has failed to provide acceptable evidence for the absences within seven days as required.”
As a result, the bench issued a warrant not backed for bail and Toussaint became a wanted man.