A proposed boarding house for 27 independent school pupils in Brighton has been turned down on appeal.
Brighton College already puts up 18 students at the three adjoining houses in Walpole Road but wanted to knock them together.
A planning application setting out the proposal was turned down by Brighton and Hove City Council in July 2023.
The independent school wanted to join the three properties and extend the living quarters into the roof.
The council said that the plans were “an unacceptable intensification in the use of the site” and the bedrooms were not big enough.
When the school appealed, the council said: “Even if all three properties were in domestic residential use, a likely occupancy would see approximately 12 persons across the three properties (four per dwelling).
“The application proposes 27 pupil spaces, not including staff, which would present far more than a doubling in occupancy from that which could reasonably be expected in such a location by the adjoining occupiers.
“In addition, the removal of the internal divisions and the amalgamation of the rear garden would create a property whose occupancy, operation and internal form would be significantly different to the prevailing character of a terraced residential street and would likely remain as such.”
After an enforcement visit, Brighton College said that the works already carried out, including the creation of one back garden and the removal of internal walls and some rear bay windows, could be reversed.
Brighton College’s planning agent, Lichfields, helped the school to prepare an appeal statement which said: “Comings and goings from the boarding houses would remain limited by safeguarding measures and restricted by timetables.
“Pedestrian movement from pupils in Walpole Road is therefore managed and would not harm the character of the street.
“The increase in pupil occupation is not considered by the appellant to give rise to additional activity that makes the development unacceptable in planning terms.”
More than 80 people formally objected to the appeal.
Planning inspector Robin Buchanan said that noise from the communal garden could adversely affect neighbours.
Mr Buchanan also said: “In addition to harm to the character and appearance of the area, including the CCA (College Conservation Area), there would be adverse impact on the living conditions of some residents of adjoining houses and an unacceptable standard of bedroom accommodation for some pupils.
“Ensuring satisfactory outcomes in both of these respects should be the aim of new development from the outset.”
Good. Now how about a sensible idea of returning the properties to what they were built for – family homes! Congratulations to the neighbours but I fear there may new plans in the offing and another fight to be had. Btw shouldn’t these houses attract business rates as they are being run commercially?
“After an enforcement visit, Brighton College said that the works already carried out, including the creation of one back garden and the removal of internal walls and some rear bay windows, could be reversed.”
So they started work before getting permission either from the Council or via an appeal?
And yes those changes should and must be reversed ASAP.
An organisation like Brighton College should know full well not to start works until the proper permissions had been given. It’s not like they are some neophyte with planning matters
Or did they think the council and the planning inspector would just roll over?
Absolutely agree with you on this, and we have plenty of cases before where the planning committee have not looked kindly on preempting before.
I’d like to see more severe punishment for whenever the rules are flaunted like this, along the lines of a percentage-based fine of the business.
Good this proposal was rejected,this development of houses and gardens would seriously impact neighbouring homes with high noise levels and defacing the character of the houses. Surely Brighton College has sufficient land to build the additional residences for their students.. It is hard to understand why they started the work and altered the houses without having the proposed plans approved.
I’m also so pleased that the appeal got rejected.
As others have said, they should be stamped down hard on for starting the work without permission.
For someone who resides in Kemp Town and lives in very close proximity of Brighton College. I personally cannot stand the school. In my experience the majority of people associated with the school if that’s staff, parents and the students that attend it, are rude, abnoxious and do as and what they please when and how they want too. I’ve seen parents who park up in the most inappropriate and dangerous places they can find, to collect their little darlings and with out any regard for anyone else, putting other road users at risk, I have seen staff that have stood by (while apparently supervising the students) and watched , their students behave in a way that disrespects, undermines and hinders local residents trying to go about their day. A perfect example I’ve seen for myself was when they were clogging up the pavement in groups bunched up and made a poor older lady with a mobility aid walk in the road into oncoming traffic to get past, putting her own life at risk, as not one student made any sort of effort or showed the elderly lady any type of respect to even move over or out the way of the pavement so she could get past. And my oh my, never go anywhere near Kemp Towns main high street between 3 and 5pm as the students come out in packs and again. Have no regard for anyone or anything else, around them apart from one of their own, wearing the uniform.
Money may pay for a good private education, good qualifications and good prospects in life.
But no amount of money can buy manners and respect! Even though I was always brought up to believe that both those things cost nothing….
So with all that being said. I as a local resident and living in close proximity of the school. I’m over the moon and so glad BHCC refused this application and I can only hope that the council come down hard on the College with them disregarding, ignoring and thinking they can do as and what they please especially because of their wealth as a private college. And them breaking the rules by still carrying out works without waiting for the decision.
That school needs to realise that no amount of money in the world gives you the right to do as you please and look down on others that aren’t as fortunate as you or aren’t one of you.
I also can only hope that the council will take heed and learn lessons from this application in the future and refuse any kind of application for anything they think they are entitled to have or do around the local area to benefit themselves and their pockets while hindering and causing disruption and at times harm, to the local people that live and contribute to the local area they live in.
Entitlement because you have money and show little to no regard on the impact of the people around you who aren’t part of the school, just shows and instills in me how rude, obnoxious and entitled these people are!
Did you see, they are having another go at overdeveloping?