A Brighton doctor’s surgery has been rated as good in an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).
The official watchdog carried out a focused inspection at the GP surgery in Ship Street, Brighton, run by Adolfo Gracia.
The CQC looked at whether the practice was well-led after a previous inspection indicated that some rules were being broken.
Although the surgery was good overall when it was inspected last year, the CQC said: “We found the practice to require improvements for the provision of well-led services.”
Dr Gracia was told that he had to conduct a health and safety risk assessment of his premises and to re-establish the patient participation group and undertake regular surveys of patient views.
He was also told to set up a continuing programme of clinical audits and show their contribution to better patient care.
He was advised to keep the low rate of childhood immunisation under review and identify and take steps to help improve the take-up rates.
In the latest report the CQC said: “We found the practice had made improvements since our last inspection.
“We found the practice was meeting the regulations that had previously been breached.
“The practice is now rated good for the provision of safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led services.
“Overall the practice is rated as good.”
The report added: “A hearing induction loop was not available on the day of inspection. However, we saw evidence that an order (had been) placed to purchase a hearing induction loop.
“We saw the practice was monitoring childhood immunisation programme and demonstrated improvement in childhood immunisation rates.
“For example, childhood immunisation rates for the vaccines given to under two year olds were 90 per cent and childhood immunisation rates for vaccines given to under five year olds were 70 per cent.”
The surgery said that a new part-time GP, Dr Rachel Harrison, had joined the practice “to enhance our patients’ choice and increase available appointments.”
To read the CQC reports on the surgery, click here.
Another watchdog, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, is carrying out a survey of all patients across every GP surgery in the area. To take part, click here.