Councillors have been accused of aiming abuse, bullying and harassment at each other, according to a newly published letter.
The poor behaviour included “shouting, finger pointing and barracking” and, the letter said, “it has grave implications for our democracy. It will put people off becoming councillors.”
The letter was written by Councillor Sue Shanks, a long-serving Green member of Brighton and Hove City Council.
Her letter was included in the agenda papers for the next meeting of the council’s Audit and Standards Committee which is due to be held next Tuesday (30 January).
She said: “Given we have recently received a report into tackling the toxic bullying culture at one of our own departments – Cityclean – I do feel we can do better and set a positive example.”
Councillor Shanks, who was first elected in 2011, said: “We have a long-standing agreement that we discuss matters of policy but refrain from making this acutely personal.
“This is an important principle, with respect and civil debate ingrained in our own councillor code of conduct and the Nolan Principles of Public Life.
“I have been dismayed then to observe a decline in behaviour that strays far from our code of conduct.
“At the last full council personal remarks about members were made and the chair did not attempt to stop this. For example, a member called another member a disgusting woman.
“The code of conduct states that members should be respectful. The council also has a rule about speaking through the chair – not personally abusing another member.
“If this behaviour continues without being stopped it has grave implications for our democracy. It will put people off becoming councillors.
“I am always prepared to engage in robust debate and ensure accountability of elected members but much of this behaviour is delivered in such a way that it is not debate, it is bullying and harassment.
“I recently complained about my own experience in a committee where I was told by another member that I (personally) was ‘appalling’.
“I was told this complaint did not make the threshold despite other people present (not councillors) and who watched it online relaying to me that the behaviour was awful and telling me so.
“I would like this known to the committee. People are watching and this can affect our reputation as a council.
“I’ve also witnessed shouting, finger pointing and barracking while members speak in council and other committees that I understand some members of the public find quite shocking.
“Given we have recently received a report into tackling the toxic bullying culture at one of our own departments – Cityclean – I do feel we can do better and set a positive example.”
Councillor Shanks called for a review into the handling of complaints about behaviour by members of the council.

She also called for the review to cover how those who chair committee meetings – and the mayor who chairs meetings of the full council – are empowered and supported to intervene.
Work to improve behaviour could be carried out in collaboration with the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Jo Cox Foundation which was set up in memory of the murdered MP.
Councillor Shanks also referred to a move by Cornwall Council on Tuesday 16 January when members voted for greater protection against harassment, abuse and intimidation.
Cornwall made the move after a survey by the LGA that found local councillors in England and Wales felt at risk due to rising levels of abuse and intimidation.
The Audit and Standards Committee is due to meet at Hove Town Hall at 4pm on Tuesday 30 January. The meeting is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.
Should the public funding of the loss making i360 and the closure of the N.H.S. Community Mental Health Centre in Buckingham Road be considered as items on he agenda for the Audit and Standards Committee?
She’s right. The behaviour of some the councillors are shocking. How is Joy or Lucy even allowed to be in such a position? Too many who think they’re above everyone and it’s not on.
Residents of North Portslade are not sure Lucy Heliwell even exists.
Green Councillor Chloe Goldsmith has scarcely been seen in the eight months since elected except for the time she tried to get fellow Regency Ward Labour Councillor Alison Thomson ejected for thinking it was ok to express support for biological females on social media.
Pot kettle black. This the same Sue Shanks who happily said nothing when green councillors under the previous administration (Cllr Lloyd and Cllr Allbroke spring to mind), were quite happily bend the agreements.
Well done Sue, I have watched several of the council meetings on line and have not only been surprised by some councillors behaviour, I have also felt very uncomfortable at the point scoring, smirking, personal unnecessary verbal comments and what appears to me to be a pack attack on any who wish to offer a differing opinion or alternative option for consideration. Some of the behaviour would be considered as intimidation and bullying in other places of work.
I understand we have a Labour Majority Council however, I expect my Councillors to represent the best interest of their constituents and not just rubber stamp or vote through policies.
I have experience of having negative personal comments made about myself at a council meeting where I had no right of redress at the time. I found this extremely upsetting and unjust and it has made me very wary about putting myself in a similar situation again
It’s a well-known fact you need a bit of a thick skin to be a ward councillor, especially if you’re going against the grain. It doesn’t excuse it, and it may be a good point of reflection that all of us, councillors included, should remember to be kind to each other. Everyone has different methods, but they ultimately want the best out of the city.
I never thought I’d agree with Cllr Shanks, but on this she is right. There is no excuse for incivility in the council chamber and Councillors would do well to remember it reflects worst on the individual committing it when they show themselves up to be immature and childish and unfit to be Councillors. Having a 65 year old LGBT resident and cancer survivor dragged out by security mid-question at Full Council last October for asking a valid question about child safeguarding was particularly unconscionable and allegedly a case of certain prominant Councillors facilitating physical assualt. There is now a crime number related to this incident.
Barry, twice today, I find myself in agreement with you! There is never any excuse for aggressive and threatening behaviour. We should all be able to have differing points of view and provide them with articulation and decorum.
Regarding October 19th, was that the incident where the question was outside the allotted time, so wasn’t able to be asked, but attempted to continue, rather unsuccessfully, and had to be removed as they were disrupting the proceedings? Should have been a written question, to be honest, they were never going to get a comprehensive oral answer.
Sue Shanks who was a member of previous disastrous Green administration. A bunch of loons who lied, cheated and abused residents and anyone who disagreed with them on social media. Wasn’t Sue, only the other day, shouting at motorists, who were taking advantage of a rare bit of free parking available near St Peter’s?
Its alright if Sue abuses members of the public she just doesn’t want councilor on councilor abuse, welcome to the modern raving loony party.
Corruption is rife
1 in 4 family court cases not the biological father
50 immigrant children missing . No one cares and it starts at the top down.
Fully agree, but let’s not forget the behaviour of the previous green administration which Sue was part of, and led the rapid descent into poor and intimidating behaviour- towards fellow councillors and the public they were meant to serve. (All) the public and our representatives absolutely should have the right to have their opinions heard and be treated with respect even when they don’t agree.
What else would you expect ??? Lowlifes on tax payers money trying to convice everyone and themselves that’s the way things should be, and it won’t improve no matter what lowlife you vote for.
Not suprising. The council bullys staff and residents anyway they can.
Poor behaviour seems to be a hallmark nowadays of many councillors and MPs. I have noticed a lack of respect for others from many of them especially to other representatives, be they from their own or a different party. Prime Minister’s Question Time is a wonderful public example of just how our representatives display their inadequacies by their boorish behaviour. I tend to think it is a measure of their inability to express themselves in a coherent and telling manner. It makes me wonder whether they understand why they were elected and what for. This type of behaviour does not serve democracy well and undermines trust and confidence in the belief that they are capable of doing their job at anything approaching a satisfactory level.