A missing boy has been spotted in Brighton as his parents made an emotional appeal for him to return home.

Matthew Turner, 15, went missing yesterday evening (Friday 16 August) and today Sussex Police said that officers were extremely concerned for the teenager.
The force appealed for anyone who knows where Matthew is to call 999.
Security camera footage shows that he was in Brighton last night but his family are worried that he is without medication that he needs.
Matthew’s family said: “We just want to know he is safe.
“We are all waiting here for you to come home, Matthew. We love you so much.
“You haven’t done anything wrong. We just want you back with us.
“Matthew, if you’re reading this, please make contact with either us, the police or a responsible adult such as a security guard.
“We have been out looking for you and are extremely worried about you.”
His dad said: “Me, your mum and sister just want you home safe. We love you very much.”
Matthew went missing from his home in Lindfield at about 6.45pm last night.
He got a lift to Brighton and was dropped off near the Old Steine area at about 10.30pm.
Security camera footage shows him entering the Sainsbury’s at the bottom of St James’s Street, Brighton.

Sussex Police said: “When he leaves the store he heads in the direction of the seafront.
“Were you in this area of Brighton at this time and did you see this Matthew?
“He is white 5ft 6in, of stocky build, with blond hair and was last seen wearing a grey tracksuit and red and black Nike trainers.
“He may have also been carrying a black Puffa jacket.
“Matthew is dependent on medication and it is not believed he has taken any with him.
“He can become agitated when approached by people he does not know.
“If you see him, please dial 999 immediately.”