The agency behind the Oatly mural in the North Laine says no more ads are planned there while it talks to the council about the future of the wall.
Hoxton-based Global Street Art applied last month for planning permission for the vegan ice cream ad on the building on the corner of Gardner Street and Church Street.
They have a contract with the owner of the building allowing them to paint murals on the wall and were also behind the previous mural for Bombay Sapphire.
Both of these murals were criticised by the Brighton Society as technically being in breach of planning rules which say commercial murals must get permission.
The mural is being allowed to stay up for advert’s originally planned 28 day run – but now the agency and planning officers are in talks about what happens there next.
In the meantime, an ice cream mural by Aroe MSK is planned to take the place of the Oatly ad after it’s painted over next week.

Lee Bofkin, CEO of Global Street Agency, said: “We are keen to work with the local community and planning officers and we are in active dialogue with Brighton Council about the future of this wall. As conversations are ongoing, we do not know yet what that will look like in 2020.
“We do not own the freehold or leasehold of the wall however we do have a legal contract regarding a right to both paint mural art and sponsored murals on the wall into the foreseeable future.
“It was our understanding that the wall has been in continuous use as a mural site for over a decade, including commercial murals. For example, there was an advert painted on the wall around 2009/2010 for a shoe company. This wasn’t painted by us as we didn’t exist then.
“We organised the Bombay Sapphire mural, which was ultimately de-branded, leaving a great art mural after. We were not aware of any issues with the Bombay Sapphire mural during that project.
“In the short-term we were hoping to paint a pure art (no brand) mural working with legendary local artist Aroe. This would be an ice cream based artwork to remain in keeping with the ice cream store on which it’s painted. This would be subject to landlord consent.
“We have no plans to paint any other sites in Brighton.”
Brighton and Hove City Council is currently holding a public consultation on proposals to tackle “the scourge of graffiti and tagging in the city”, which runs until 15 December.
In the past, it has taken action against commercial murals. The Taste of Sahara restaurant in Western Road was told to paint over the restaurant name and details.
Pie Society next to Churchill Square was also told to take down its colourful mural – but the company went bust before this could be done.
This wall was built by the Council in the 1960s/70 when it demolished #1 Gardner Street to widen Church Street. It is not attractive but is functional. Graffiti by vandals has often made it very ugly, so the present professional murals serve a double purpose of diminishing the visual impact of often scatological or overtly sexual graffiti by vandals, and adding interest to an otherwise unattractive 50 year old example of Council vandalism.
I think it looks good, tasteful, colourful and adds visual interest. Sometimes societies carry on, just for the sake of carrying on. They argue a case for the sake of argument. I can’t see how this can be refused if it has been a mural site for 10 years already and then someone takes a dislike to the vegan ice-cream advert. On the side of an ice-cream parlour! Brighton Council have shown a good bit of leniency here – not being bullied by a twitter page with no agenda other than their own. Well done to the wall owner. Roger