A Brighton anti-lockdown campaigner will find out next month if she will be fined for organising a protest march in breach of covid regulations.
Louise Creffield, a former Labour women’s liaison officer, has shared covid conspiracy theories on her Save Our UK Rights Instagram page, which she uses to organise anti-lockdown protests.
One of those protests was held in Brighton on 7 November last year, when about 200 people marched along the seafront shouting slogans like: “Pandemic! Scam-demic! Eugenics! Take your face mask off!”

A week later Sussex Police said it had reported Ms Creffield, of Reading Road, for summons in relation to the march.
It’s not known whether Creffield, 34, was present at the march. She has also been charged with similar offences in relation to several anti-lockdown protests elsewhere in the country.
She has given a platform to conspiracy theorists including Piers Corbyn and David Icke on her Facebook and Instagram pages.
Last month, her case was due to be heard at Brighton Magistrates Court under the single justice procedure, which allows a single magistrate to hear cases based just on the paperwork without either the defendant or prosecution having to attend court.
She was charged with two offences of organising a Save Our Rights Anti Lockdown Protest March without complying with a health and safety risk assessment, which was required under covid regulations at the time.
The first charge was in relation to 7 November and the second 12 November.
However, the case was adjourned until next month so the details of the charge can be checked with Sussex Police.
During the same hearing, two people were fined for breaching covid rules in Brighton during the third lockdown.
Amelia Biggs, 19, of New Street, Three Bridges, was fined £220, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £34 and costs of £120 for attending a party in Stnford Road, Brighton on 30 December, 2020.
And Patrick Donovan Barrett, 47, of Park Vale Road, Leicester, was fined £220, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £34 and costs of £120 for leaving the area he was living in – i.e. Leicester – after being found in Brighton on 1 January, 2021.
Put her in jail. She might not be too happy there about not having had the jab.
What is it about Brighton Labour that they are so rife with this kind of dangerous conspiracist?
We should be free to protest. It’s a free country
I have protested for Black Lives Matter, baning statues, nhs more money, more universal credit,baning private schools; baning social media hatred; baning salaries over 50k. Making all houses affordable the list goes on mate
And since you can’t spell correctly, perhaps you should ban all teachers.
Serial protester eh?
Let’s ignore the Covid Cult. The vaccines don’t work, though they are good at killing people, officially 1,440 so far but that equates to 14,400 in a system that under-reports, In the USA, it’s nearly a million dead.
How many dead FROM the virus in the UK? About 4,500!!!
Enjoy your brainwashing.
Enjoy your Covid.
Oh dear….
What’s the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality?
About 3-6 months.
This woman will one day been seen a hero. She sees the bigger picture and worries about the future for her children while the rest of you are content with one jigsaw piece and still believing one broken promise after another from our leader. Well guess what? He will carry on stringing you along and betraying you if you let him. And your children and grandchildren and their futures too.