The head boy of Brighton College has turned down a place at Cambridge University to go to Yale instead as American universities grow in popularity.

Shaun Pexton, who swam the English Channel in July last year to raise money for the mental health charity Young Minds, passed five A levels – all with A* grades.
The teenager – with top grades in chemistry, physics, maths, further maths and history – will be joined at Yale by two fellow Brighton College pupils, Kieran Malandain and Matias Paz Linares.
Shaun – one of 16 Brighton College students expected to go to university in North America – said: “I spent my younger years in Hong Kong and Singapore and I’m now moving on to Yale University in the US.
“But my roots will always be here in Brighton and I know that my years at Brighton College will remain some of the best of my life.”
The last time exams were held, in 2019, Brighton College was the top co-educational school in England – and was named UK School of the Decade by the Sunday Times.
This year, amid tough competition, the results were even better, with almost 99 per cent at grades A* to B, and almost 60 per cent at grade A*. Of the 207 students to sit 698 A levels, 79 of them achieved A* grades in at least three subjects.
Head master Richard Cairns is delighted: “It was always going to be a challenge for this year’s cohort because they had no previous GCSE exam experience.
“So it is wonderful that they have risen to the challenge, smashing the record in 2019 when exams were last sat in person.
“Nearly all Brighton College pupils have secured places at top universities. Twenty-four received Oxbridge offers.
“But it is noticeable that there has been a real shift in emphasis towards the United States, with 16 heading off to North America.”
The school said that it ran “a 100 per cent scholarship programme for talented and ambitious young people, inspired by its work with the Syrian refugee community”.
It added: “Two of this year’s recipients are heading off to America with large scholarships.”
One of them is James Burry, who has a place at Princeton, having secured four A* grades – in chemistry, maths, further maths and physics – and an A in French.

The other is Harrison Page, who plans to study at Richmond University, in Virginia, with three A grades to his name – in economics, geography and business studies.
James said: “I am delighted to be heading off to continue my studies at Princeton University.
“I will be forever indebted to those who have believed in me throughout my time at Brighton College, with the incredible opportunities I have been so fortunate to receive a testament to their support.
“Over the last two years, I have truly made friends and memories to last a lifetime.”
Harrison said: “I would just like to thank everybody at Brighton College for both providing me with such an exciting opportunity to go and study in the US, as well as giving me the most enriching and enjoyable education possible during my two years there.”