A teenager who was arrested by armed police after reports of a gunman in the city centre has been released while investigations continue.

The man was swooped on by armed officers yesterday morning by the Clock Tower in Queen’s Road while police vehicles closed the road.
@bhcitynews @brightonargus @BBCSussex
I had a very clear view of the armed police incident on Queens Road from my office.
Appeared to be an air rifle. pic.twitter.com/fVqCTT3efJ— Jamie Reid (@jwjreid) January 17, 2019
Witnesses said they saw police inspecting what appeared to be an air rifle after taking it from a case.
A police spokeswoman said: “A 19-year-old man arrested on suspicion of possession of a firearm with intent to cause fear of violence and possession of a bladed article has been released under investigation.”

No healthy reason to own one of these. Air or bullet – all guns should be illegal for personal use outside a gun range and heavily licenced. A clay pigeon shoot should need specific event gun licensing. And shooting animals should carry a prison sentence. Domestic animals are too often the target.
I hope we hear what THIS weapon has been used for.