The council is to publish a public coronavirus data dashboard so people can see how infections are rising or falling.
Brighton and Hove City Council has just published its Covid-19 outbreak plan, which says access to accurate and timely data will be a priority.
It says access to data and good communication will be key to tackling any future outbreaks of coronavirus in Brighton and Hove according to the city’s newly published strategy.
The delay in releasing the results of tests carried out by private companies – known as Pillar 2 data, where NHS and PHE test results are Pillar 1 – has been flagged as a key reason why Leicester has become the first city to go into lockdown.
Local lockdowns are a key plank of the Government’s so-called “whack-a-mole” strategy in dealing with the virus now England has passed what is hoped will be the only peak of the virus.
The council’s plan says: “To combat the pandemic at a local level, it is vital that there is access to timely and robust data, including on testing, the number of cases, local outbreaks in places such as schools, hospitals and care homes, hospital activity and deaths.”
Under the data heading, the council says its first objective is to secure access to the full range of data available so it can be vigilant in monitoring any changes.
The plan also details plans to ensure patients with coronavirus are not discharged into care homes, and that residents are safely cared for.
If there is one or more suspected or confirmed case in a care home, it must contact PHE.
Schools need to contact PHE if there is one confirmed case, or several students or staff with suspected cases.
The council is also producing a register of potential local high-risk settings where people may not be able to maintain social distancing.
These include workplaces or particular occupations such as security guards, care workers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, chefs and retail workers.
It will then distribute action cards to explain how to minimise the chance of an outbreak and how to manage it.
Informal gatherings in parks and on the beach, protests, parades and street parties are also included as potentially high risk events.
i read elsewhere that the current testing cannot tell the difference between covid-19 and usual seasonal flu anyway.
and using the head-line photo of a bunch of youfh was sneaky … ok, you could not find a picture showing both “out-of-control” and “informal gathering” but ….