A Brighton delivery driver has racked up more than 400 points on his learner licence after his scooters were caught by traffic cameras almost 70 times.
Bilal Abdullah, 25, was charged with 136 traffic offences after two scooters he owns were snapped by speed cameras 68 times from 20 March to 14 July last year, mostly during the evening.
All were on main roads with 30mph limits in Brighton and Hove, with the scooters clocked travelling at speeds varying between 36mph and 51mph.
Abdullah had registered ownership of his red Honda scooter and blue Yamaha scooter to an Ibis hotel room in Romford.
But when police sent requests to that address asking him to identify who was driving the vehicles, he failed to respond.
He was then summoned to court, where in his absence he was found guilty of 68 counts of failing to provide Sussex Police with information they had requested.
The speeding offences themselves were withdrawn because police could not prove who was driving the scooters.

The hearing at Brighton Magistrates Court on 14 December was presided over by magistrate John Haywood, under the single justice procedure.
This sees single magistrates decide hundreds of cases in a single session, which are closed to the public and press and which defendants are not expected to attend.
As well as six points for each offence – a total of 408 – Mr Haywood banned Abdullah from driving for two years and fined him £1,000, ordered him to pay a victim surcharge of £664 and costs of £180, landing him with a court bill of £1,844.
When and where Abdullah’s scooters were snapped speeding:
- 20 March – Marine Parade
- 7 April – Marine Parade
- 21 April – A2038 Hangleton
- 28 April – Old Shoreham Road
- 26 April – Old Shoreham road
- 29 April – Ditchling Road
- 29 April – Lewes Road
- 29 April – Ditchling Road
- 30 April – Lewes Road
- 30 April – Ditchling Road
- 1 May – Lewes Road
- 2 May – Lewes Road
- 4 May – Coldean Lane
- 4 May – Lewes road
- 4 May – Lewes Road
- 4 May – Old Shoreham Road
- 5 May – Lewes Road
- 6 May – Lewes Road
- 7 May – Lewes Road
- 10 May – Marine Parade
- 10 May – Coldean Lane
- 11 May – Lewes Road
- 11 May – Lewes Road
- 11 May – Coldean Lane
- 11 May – Lewes Road
- 12 May – Old Shoreham Road
- 12 May – Old Shoreham Road
- 12 May – Lewes Road
- 12 May – Lewes Road
- 12 May – Lewes Road
- 13 May – Lewes Road
- 14 May – Lewes Road
- 14 May – Marine Parade
- 14 May – Lewes Road
- 19 May – Lewes Raod
- 19 May – Lewes Road
- 19 May – Lewes Road
- 20 May – Lewes Road
- 20 May – Lewes Road
- 21 May – Old Shoreham Road
- 22 May – Marine Parade
- 23 May – Lewes Road
- 23 May – Lewes Road
- 24 May – Lewes Road
- 29 May – Lewes Road
- 2 June – Lewes Road
- 2 June – Ditchling Road
- 3 June – Ditchling Road
- 3 June – Lewes Road
- 4 June – Lewes Road
- 6 June – Lewes Road
- 6 June – Lewes Raod
- 14 June – Lewes Road
- 16 June – Lewes Road
- 17 June – Preston Road
- 18 June – Lewes Road
- 19 June – Lewes Road
- 20 June – Coldean Lane
- 25 June – Old Shoreham Road
- 25 June – Lewes Road
- 10 July – Lewes Road
- 10 July – Preston Road
- 10 July – Preston Road
- 11 July – Lewes Road
- 12 July – Lewes Road
- 12 July – Lewes Road
- 12 July – Coldean Lane
- 14 July – Old Shoreham Road
I have a feeling he might not be top of the pops No 1 on the list of points achievers.
points make prizes….
He’s not going to pay the fines and he’s just going to ignore the ban. They should put a plank at the end of the pier and he can do 50mph off that.
I fear you might be right. At least at this point, if he makes the STUPID decision of doing it again, after this, SP have recourse to incarcerate him.
I think he’s not the rider, I think he’s hired these out and uses the Ibis as a cover. Might be wrong but somethings not right here.
Food delivery was a cover for a while for delivering narcotics around Brighton. Quite clever, no-one thinks a food delivery driver is doing anything untoward, and so isn’t suspicious at a glance.
Oh I agree.
Too many delivery drivers behave this way, the whole industry needs reeling in.
It’s rife with illegal workers, riding illegal vehicles, with no regard for the law, and some very wealthy people running the online delivery companies are making a mint from it.
If they don’t deliver on time they don’t get paid – so yes I agree..
It should also be incumbent on business (well actually it already is) to make sure people have the right to work here, are suitably licensed, vehicle taxed & MOTd and in good condition and with business insurance.
I am not sure local managers apply the rules as well as they should
The thing is if they just drive with the normal speed they will reach Late To the destination. Strangly the plateforms like deliveroo and Uber eats wants you to fly to the customer no matter the traffic , red lights and speed limit. They will just Terminate your rider account. Riders are forced to do that. I know its not right but they dont have any other option.
I can believe that to be honest.
If all the lazy fat bums would go pick their own food up or even better cook something for once this guy wouldn’t have had to ride as fast poor fella now skint and you lot moaning at him whilst on deliveroo
I agree. too many fat lazy slobs that can’t cook or even be bothered to go out and pick their own food up. These drivers do have a choice, stop working.
Police act like they do this for safety, but we all know it’s purely for money. Acting like 36 in a 30 is dangerous to others, on a moped nonetheless, is moronic. This country is in absolute shambles.
Have you ever been run into by a cyclist doing 25m an hour – it causes broken bones so a moped prob with drum brakes has a shocking stopping distance so yes it is dangerous. I agree money also has something to do with it but councils don’t get much funding for anything these days so how else are they going to generate income?!
Er…. Council tax, which is always rising 😂
Sadly it’s just a money making scheme. The system needs over hauling
Of you are looking for moronic, look at yourself.
If you think speeding is fine, then go tell it to the families if the 5 people who will die today.
Pathetic joke of a comment
excessive speeding is a factor in just 14% of uk fatal accidents, so it wont be 5 who die due to it today, youre getting confused with inappropriate speed, which can be 10mph past a busy school pavement, far more dangerous statistically but not the same thing.
For context, 25% of uk road fatalities are due to people falling asleep at the wheel, so it kills almost double the number of people speeding does.
But govt make no money from that so its rarely mentioned, tho true.
Not defending the rider, should have been locked up for 6months min. complete repeated disregard for rules should not be tolerated.
Speeding accounted for 24% of road fatalities in the UK. The highest cause of fatalities on the road. Falling asleep does not kill twice as many as speeding.
I don’t how fast they’re going as long as man’s food is still hot hot hot 🔥
The highest cause for crashes is in fact Failure to look, followed by judgement. Speeding is in fact 7th in the table for a direct cause.
Sounds like even though the onous is on the registered owner to provide details, he has managed to pay less than half the amount due (68 x£60 = £4k) !!
I’m not defending the idiot who got banned, but you’re the moron if you think all the effort they put into speed cameras, average speed cameras, seat belt cameras, phone cameras etc and so on are there to protect society. Anyone can slip up briefly and go over the limit for a 100 yards as we’re human and not machines, but now you’re just nicked. In the old days when there was the spirit of the law and not just the letter and a you were seen to decelerate, the police wouldn’t nick you. Still, whatever keeps you warm and helps you sleep at night eh? Lol.
That’s why the CPS consider the 10% to account for that human factor. Of you struggle to maintain below speed limit, you should consider getting additional refresher lessons.
“I’m not defending the idiot who got banned, BUT” …. yes you are.
Hmm, interesting comment, I have no doubt that motorists do stray over the limit from time to time but this guy has 70 convictions, that tells you something about the mentality. Surely the first ticket would have highlighted an error in his driving and make them more aware, that doesn’t seem to compute with this rider. He’s a danger on the road and an crash waiting to happen.
What’s pathetic is the way health and safety has brainwashed a whole nation into shitting themselves about doing the slightest little thing, life carries a degree of risk,shit happens, LIVE a little and stop Shitting yourself
You are fine to do that in your own garden if there is no impact on other people.
Not when it is others’ lives in your game of Russian Roulette.
Jack d
I would agree that there’s a lot of things that are to generate money but seriously driving at 36 in a 30 is dangerous, if you agree or not.
While riding my moped near Euston station, I once collided with a pedestrian at 25mph. The idiot locked his car, and proceeded to run across the road without properly looking. He flew over my bike then headbutted my helmet. Whack! He was on the floor. Face covered in blood. I carefully parked my bike down the road, and came to check on him. Already there was a crowd standing over him. I thought I killed him…. and that was just at 25mph, as I had just moved off from the traffic light when it happened. I can imagine what would have happened at 38 or 48mph. So, yeah, scooters need to follow the rules too.
Oh look, we have found the total kn0b cheese who speeds everywhere thinking it’s alright and has no regard for anyone else. Probably a BMW/Audi/mercedes driver too.
Shame on you!
Your the moron if u think speeding ain’t dangerous 6mph could be the difference between life and death and idiots like u have no regard for that. Maybe u were born with out a brain cell but at least most others can understand a speed limit and what it’s there for. Don’t speed don’t get fined it’s simple really. What idiot comes on moaning about it being a tax income ? People like u who have probably been caught speeding and had to pay a fine. Clown.
If he is displaying L plates he cannot go over 28 mph because he hasn’t passed his test only his CB training meaning he’s a danger to road users and probably renting someone’s Uber credentials
Hmm, Anyone with a full car licence (Subject to dates) can ride a moped up to 124cc without displaying ‘L’ plates, those with a full car licence can ride 125 after CBT for two years on ‘L’ plates and there’s no restriction on what speed they can go.
Just because a bike displays ‘L’ doesn’t automatically mean they are on a provisional licence.
Sounds like he was delivering for uber does Abdul have a legal right to work? And is a delivery driver skilled work under the criteria 4 for residency seeing as the address was a hotel…? Deffo delivering something
Highlights the stupidity of having speeding cameras giving out fines around the clock . And then the extra victim surcharge just adds insult to
Injury really. clearly a rigged game that even the judge seems to be in on somehow . Rarher then admit the speed cameras only take money they never save life we all must pretend it’s for “safety” . I can see those Comments coming saying safer with this bloke off the streets OK 👍🏻
No, highlights the stupidity of the rider, the camera is doing it’s job if you can’t see that then it’s you who is a fool. Victim surcharge, great, the higher the fine the better, over 70 offence’s and you think that is acceptable.
Speed camera’s only take money, not if people drive within the limits.
Hope you never encounter a speeder, might just change your view, if you’re lucky enough to survive.
Just highlights the stupidity of ur comment really.
You sound like you’ve had to pay your fair share of fines as well, Jack?
I had similar thoughts to be honest.
I really don’t see the problem with charging him for the offences, even if he won’t say who was driving at those times. Fine him, take his licence away (if he’s got one) jail him then deport him to anywhere. That might send the “message” to others. Oh no I forgot,….he’s got ‘uman rights….unlike the rest of us muts that he puts in danger.
I might go on a insurance comparison website to see how much courier/business insurance is for a learner on a moped .
It is bizarre that big ethical companies like Waitrose get their groceries delivered by self-employed delivery riders speeding on illegal bikes with no worker protections and everyone pretends it’s not happening
You can check whatever you like of course, but you will only get basic information. A bike rider will need normal insurance and have delivery/liability as a bolt on, depending on circumstances and type of insurance held can be as little as a few pence or a few quid.
Can you explain why delivery bikes are illegal.
They are definitely a problem around here. One of these delivery drivers undertook me recently at speed along Goldstone Crescent – Hove Park side – where vehicles are usually parked. Luckily none were parked at the time and he managed to cut in before the road narrows at the pedestrian crossing point.
Depot him
Delivery drivers should be licenced in the same way as taxi drivers. This will ensure that they have the relevant knowledge to drive on the road. You have to remember no test is required to drive a moped on a provisional licence.
Only if your license is older than 2001. You have to do a CBT test to ride even a 50
meh, it’s effectively a day’s faff about on a moped and nowhere near enough training to be delivering anything commercially.
Hate to say but yes you do have to take a test for a moped yes even on a provisional license
It’s not a test it’s CB training any numpty gets a certificate not a license you go forward back left right figure of eight great on the road you go
You assume a ‘Provisional Licence’ a full car licence holder can ride a 125 but will need to complete a CBT and ride on L plates.
At least on a motorcycle there is a chance of the miscreants being caught; those delivery jockeys speeding along on the pavement on pedal/e-bikes do so with complete impunity…
Also as more than half of his offences were carried out on the Lewes Road it would be interesting to know who he was delivering to.
Law abiding E-bike users here, Please don’t call them E-Bikes, 99% of the time these ignorant delivery riders are riding bicycles which have been modified into illegal, dangerous Electric motorbikes/mopeds which don’t require pedalling, exceed EU E-Bike speed limits and don’t have any sort of license/CBT/Training.
Normal Ebikers get a bad rep because of these mugs and it’s incredibly frustrating when being roped into their inconsiderate behaviour.
Whether it’s been purchased as such or modified it’s still an electric bike and shouldn’t be on the pavement.
Oh, agreed completely, shared paths are fine of course but ignorant people will always be ignorant and endanger other people. shame…
This is what happens when they are allowed to have L plates forever 😡😡😡😡 They should have to take the proper test within a certain time or loose there licence.All scooter riders and motorbike riders are the same and it’s not fair,for those of us motorists that pay a fortune for lessons then a fortune for the test,just to have idiots like that on the road,
It’s really not all motorbike riders is it though? Some of us riders have taken the time to pay for our licence and done the proper training and ride within the law. Yes there are exceptions, but likewise there are exceptions in the car drivers world to. Just take a look at how many car drivers pull out without looking, stop with no signalling or just generally have no idea of the size of the car they are driving. Every road user has their issues whether it be two wheeled or four wheeled. So it’s not fair to tar them all with the same brush.
I’d be supportive of no L plate is allowed to work commercially.
The SUSPOL Chief Constable leads the national road safety group of chief police forces. Pressure the political boss forced on her to give the necessary funds for adequate policing and the peelers will do the job.
Nick nick pay pay ! Look at every photo ! On his own in every one ! For just trying to make a living! Sick of hearing about where he’s from ! He’s a motorist? We motorist in Brighton so sick of this cash cow rip off , don’t be surprised if residents take matters into their own hand regarding these unforgiving speed cameras!
Whilst the rich go unpunished! The laws are for the poor! For a rich man 1800 is nothing for this poor delivery guy it’s probably 2 months of hard grind!!
Wonder when the magistrate will order the MPs to give back the kick back commission from the raid on public finances after covid ! And here we have speedy justice for a delivery driver who’s earning 2 pounds per journey.
The rider did wrong and so do most motorists on the road that have a FULL UK licence let alone provisional. Whether you drive bike or car, people do wrong on these roads. Don’t start talking this nonsense of immigrant this and that, it’s irrelevant. Just remember the ones that were delivering to YOUR DOOR when the nation was gripped with LOCKDOWN all scared in your houses 😳🤣.
You force riders to take a test within completing a CBT in a certain time, the whole food delivery economy suffers. Therefore YOU will then go out to grab them Maris Piper’s, KF or Mc’D in the freezing cold, no driver will come to you.
The immigrants do the job because the Brits don’t want to, it’s crap money. Check yourselves before talking about others just trying to make a living.
Brash manners.
Correct the driver committed driving offences but to claim MOST is incorrect, most road users follow the laws and rules and yes people make mistakes or errors that goes without question.
Hmm, immigrant, is that relevant or not ? Maybe, maybe not, opinions will vary from person to person depending how you sum up the whole situation. Fact he has two vehicles registered at a Ibis some distance away from the city and he’s failed to respond to post and a court appearance might suggest there’s something not right here. I’m not going into that at this time.
So he’s allowed to commit driving offences because he Bravely decided to take on a delivery job, like thousands of others who took jobs driving vans and lorries, perhaps I can commit driving offences because I decided to continue driving buses and coaches and not get paid for sitting on my arse.
Nobody has forced anyone to take a CBT course, it’s a legal requirement and there’s no time scale to complete it, it’s 1-3 days.
So it’s crap money, that’s irrelevant, if they don’t like it, find something else, there’s plenty of jobs out there and as for immigrants working here, slave labour comes to mind here.
Nobody has a problem with people earning, it’s the way they are doing it that is in question, committing offences and putting people at risk is a PROBLEM and there’s no excuse for it.
Should not be allowed to work with Learners license.
I wonder if he is the same delivery rider who, some time last year, went round the corner of Preston Street and Regency Square, at fast speed, nearly running into pedestrians. When I complained he just shrugged his shoulders and rode on.
So basically he gets away with it! He isn’t going to pay the fine is he. Basically if a car driver wears a mask whilst behind the wheel are they going to get away with the points because they can’t be identified? I very much doubt it.
No one likes cold pizza
Keep reducing speed limits due to paranoid public, and police now running a lucrative business in “cash for dash” it’s only going to get a lot worse.
Paranoid lefties and greedy police. Guaranteed disaster…
The main problem is that greedy employers encourage their employees to go fast ,and main companies like
Just eat ,uber eat,deliverioo giving points to reach them on time,hungry customers always give minus point and complaining
I bet my last Rolo that HMRC would find ‘discrepencies’ if they investigated this character.
Still on the plus side, with all his speeding, at least the food got to the customer piping hot 😆