I was due to see The SoapGirls last year at the Blackmarket VIP in Hastings, but the gig was cancelled at the last minute, as strong rumour has it, that there were apparently threats made to the band and their safety couldn’t be guaranteed. On this subject, Millie explained to me that they didn’t want that gig cancelled and insisted on going ahead and face the haters, but sadly this was not to be the case.
The SoapGirls is made up of French born sisters Millie (Camille) and Mie (Noemie) Debray and as it turns out a brilliant drummer. They started their career in Cape Town, South Africa performing as street artists for eight years and were given their name by the general public.
This band has a formidable reputation and a previous Facebook base of 94,000 followers called SoapSuds, which suddenly got shut down overnight. Their new Facebook page is well over 36,000 as of today and if you have a look at the page, you will get a feel for the values and how the sisters feel about freedom and the right for people to make their own choices, including what to wear and what not to wear. They are on a mission to fight prejudice and haters “with a sword of honesty and a shield of integrity” The SoapGirls have had to endure much, but Millie explained to me how they rise above those that seek to disrespect them and their ideals. They want to show that music should be for everyone and everyone should be free to be themselves. Their Punk Rock credentials were endorsed when they delivered blistering performances at the legendary Rebellion Punk Music Festival in 2017 and again in 2018.

I arrived in Lewes for the gig at 7.30pm as I was looking forward to seeing the support band Perjury, who hail from Kent and are purveyors of punk and Oi! The lads are inspired by Blitz, Motorhead and GBH and so right up my street. But sadly it seems as though they have lost their drummer and so were unable to perform this evening. Thus the only act tonight being The Soapgirls. The band had also got stuck in traffic on the M25, so were running late.
The Con Club was nice and cool and there were a number of the regular familiar faces in attendance. We were all chatting and looking forward to the band. I went tonight with a young lad that had not been to a gig before, so this was his first experience of live music
At around 9:15pm the show kicked off and boy did it! I had heard about previous performances, but seeing is believing and what a brilliant night we were all in for. The first thing I noticed as the sisters kicked of with ‘Step Outside’ was what brilliant musicians the band are. Then I noticed that they were wearing amazing headdresses and body paint all over and not much clothing at all. Millie explained later that they feel it should be a woman’s decision about what they should wear and nudity should not be sexualised to great applause from the crowd. I have to say I applaud the strength they have in their beliefs and their rights, also to tell the haters to “Go **** themselves, If you don’t like it, it’s not your choice”.
Anyway, back to the set. Next up ‘Johnny Rotten’, the second track from their album ‘Societys Rejects’. Again great music and the stage presence of both sisters is incredible and quite captivating. Mie plays the lead guitar with real grace and seems about 7 feet tall up there on the stage. Both sisters have a fierceness about them that just makes the whole performance something special. Millie plays the base with real style and contorts herself into the most amazing, unbelievable shapes whilst performing. I found both of them captivating to watch and their performance, second to none
The songs just kept coming and to be honest I loved every single minute. I tried to make a mental note of the best songs, but stopped about five tracks in when they performed ‘White Flag’. Wow I will definitely be seeing this band again I was thinking.

A few songs later and Millie invited a couple of volunteers onto the stage with them. Two young chaps jumped up and one young lady. What happened next was hilarious and just amazing fun. Millie invited them to remove bits of clothing, which the two lads obliged one less than the other. The next minute she invited them to take it all off, which one of the lads did. The band at this point had launched into ‘Bad Bitch’ It was really great fun and the crowd took it in that way with the majority of us laughing out loud.
The set ended with a song they wrote in 2015 called ‘Real’. I think I speak for everyone present at Lewes, when I say this was an extraordinary show of great music and brilliant performances from the whole band. I can’t wait to see them perform again.
The setlist was written onto Millie’s arm and was not really readable at the end of the gig, so I waited to see if the drummer had one. Millie came over and wrote it down for me and we got chatting with Mia too. They are amazing, friendly and genuine and spent at least an hour talking about their experiences and the gigs they have done on this tour. Last night not being allowed into the hotel as security refused them entry. I purchased their CD, which they both signed for me. They recommended the last show of the tour in Rotherham as it is going to be something special. I just might make the trip.
The full setlist reads:
‘Step Outside’, ‘Johnny Rotten’, ‘Ex Girlfriend’, ‘Societys Reject’, ‘Bitter’, ‘White Flag’, ‘Chains’, ‘My Development’, ‘Original Sin’, ‘Fall Down’, ‘Sam’s On Crack’, ‘Hate Breeds’, ‘Drawn’, ‘Bad Bitch’, ‘Party In Hell’, ‘Real’.
Keep an eye out for the new album due out soon. If it’s close to the first one, we will be in for a treat!! Also there new single ‘One Way Street’ has just been released, listen HERE.
More on The SoapGirls HERE and HERE.

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