A Brighton man is wanted after he absconded from court part way through a trial.

Ashkaan Kalhory, also known as Ashley Khan, 30, of Rodmell Avenue, Saltdean, went on trial at Chichester Crown Court on Tuesday (5 July).
But on Wednesday (6 July) a warrant was issued by the judge, Mr Recorder John Trevaskis, for Kalhory’s arrest after he failed to return to court.
Sussex Police said this afternoon: “Police are appealing for information to locate a man who has absconded from court in Chichester.
“Ashkaan Kalhory … was to stand trial accused of drugs and vehicle offences in Sussex.
“But he has not returned to court and a warrant has been issued for his arrest.
“It is understood he has links to the Brighton and Hove area.
“Anyone who sees him or knows his whereabouts is asked to report it to Sussex Police online or call 101 and quote serial 47220123780.”