A tennis club wants to install shutters to close off its paved terrace which it says has become a magnet for late night anti-social behaviour.
Queen’s Park Tennis Club previously got permission to extend the clubhouse it leases from Brighton and Hove City Council on either side.
Now it wants to build a low wall around the patio and put in shutters so the terrace can be shut up overnight.
The club’s application to the council, written by Hunter Davidson Design, said: “The pavilion and in particular the terrace area suffers from invasive ani-social behaviour.
“The open terrace area is specifically targeted as an area for night-time congregations, with evidence of drinking, drug use and fouling.
“The emphasis of the design is to provide security to the open terrace during the hours when the pavilion is not in use, while maintaining the character of the original building.
“The new dwarf walls will be formed between the existing terrace piers and finished in white and racing green to match the main building.
“The security shutters will be ‘rolling’ type and located in housings tucked up under the internal eaves of the pavilion roof.
“The housings will be finished in powder coated racing green.”